Top 10 Safari Camps for Elephant Viewing

Top 10 Safari Camps for Elephant Viewing
(MaggyMeyer, iStock)

Elephants hold a huge draw for people on luxury safaris, and it’s no surprise – these amazing animals have intricate family ties, and human like emotions. Much research has been done on the elephant and it remains one of the most fascinating animals to see on any luxury safari. Elephants are currently being heavily persecuted for their ivory, and now is the time to visit Africa and see these gentle giants. There is almost nothing better than watching baby elephants role around in the mud, or play with their siblings. African elephants are larger than their Indian counterparts and this can make watching them both humbling and awe inspiring. They move through the bush almost silently and are the real undisputed kings of the jungle. There are hundreds of conservation projects currently working on over drive to protect these magical beasts from poaching, but the battle is still very much ongoing. Here are the top ten luxury safari properties from which one can watch elephants.

1. Sirikoi, Lewa, Northern Kenya

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Northern Kenya is breath-takingly beautiful with rolling hills, views of Mount Kenya, open plains and marshes surrounded by yellow fever trees. Sirikoi is an exceptionally special luxury safari camp boasting both tents and two private houses. From Sirikoi you can often watch family groups of elephant come down to drink at the waterhole in front of camp, and once you head out onto the plains with your private Samburu guide you will be treated to huge vistas often dotted with family groups of elephant.

2. Saruni Samburu, Samburu, Northern Kenya

Samburu National Park has long been known as one of the best places to see elephant and this is due to the Ewaso Nyiro River which runs through it. Sometimes you will be lucky enough to see large groups of elephant come together to play, mock fight and frolic in the murky river waters. Saruni offers a true paradise of a lodge with exceptional guides, food and some of the best views in all of Kenya.

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Copyright © 2015 by A Luxury Travel Blog. This article was written by Rose Hipwood and originally published on

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