Like the work of the novelist, setting up a house involves telling a story. The space you inhabit is an extension of who you are. In order to get to know you better, there are interior designers who need three or four interviews with their clients to get to the heart of the project. What are you expecting from your designer? Many times we believe that we want a space with certain characteristics.
Although many consider interior design frivolous, the truth of the matter is that your home is usually one of your largest investments, creating the backdrop for most activities in your life. Making mistakes is not a way to start a project as important as this one. That’s why I advise you to be realistic with your goals. Each room is like a chapter in a book, and every selection offers a nuance and gesture of your story.
Do your homework: Find some shelter magazines and try to find the design of your dreams. emka74/Shutterstock
Here are some suggestions to make your story a best-seller:
Do your homework. Find some shelter magazines and try to find the design of your dreams. Make notes on what you like in an image. Take your time to plan properly; rushed decisions make for bad execution, and although your instincts can guide you, your ideas can be polished throughout the process of design. Thus, the result will be a perfect mix between what you wanted and what you have learned during the long journey.
Bright close-up: Look at all the materials of your project in several lights to know if it is the ideal selection. Think, for example, of when you see a house by day and then by night it changes completely. Sometimes the tones of the nearby hills change and appear to be different. It is important to check the colors with natural light or with overhead light.
Are your materials hot? Have you ever had the experience of entering a room and sensing a cozy feeling? Everything is in the warmth of the materials. Surely the first thing that comes to mind is wood. Well, you’re not wrong. Psychologically, earthy materials such as woods and stones are grounding and have a subliminal way of making us feel relaxed and warm. Of course, textiles also play a role in making a room, such as warming wools for winter or linen for when temperatures start to rise.
Zero mileage decor: No matter what style you want to apply to your home, you can always use local materials. Using local ingredients provides a reflection of where you are; if you live in Paris, then let it be known that you are in Paris! After all, there’s no place like home!
The finishes have the ability to change the perception of materials and create a sense of place. KUPRYNENKO ANDRII/Shutterstock
Fine finishes: Selecting your materials and finishes is not like ordering fast food. The finishes have the ability to change the perception of materials and create a sense of place. In a city setting, for example, polished marble feel apropos and has a certain air of elegance. The finishing touch has the ability to tie the whole home together.
Joseph Pubillones is the owner of Joseph Pubillones Interiors, an award-winning interior design firm based in Palm Beach, Fla. To find out more about Joseph Pubillones, or to read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at Copyright 2021