‘Three Guys Named Mike’ From 1951: A Stewardess’s Adventures

Tiffany Brannan

What happens when an airline stewardess meets a pilot, a scientist, and an advertising man? This sounds like the beginning of a joke, but it actually is the premise of “Three Guys Named Mike,” a 1951 romantic comedy.

Jane Wyman plays Marcy, the perky airline stewardess whose adventures are the basis of this story. The three men in her life, who are coincidentally all named Mike, are played by Howard Keel, Van Johnson, and Barry Sullivan. This great cast makes the charming but unusual story come to life for a delightfully diverting hour and a half of entertainment.

A Fun Story

Marcy Lewis (Wyman) leaves her smalltown home to become an airline stewardess. During the rigorous training, she befriends three other girls, sensible Jan Baker (Anne Sargent), cheerful Kathy Hunter (Phyllis Kirk), and Southern belle Alice Raymend (Jeff Donnell).
(L–R) Mike Jamison (Howard Keel), Michael Lawrence (Van Johnson), Mike Tracy (Barry Sullivan), and Marcy Lewis (Jane Wyman) meet in “Three Guys Named Mike.” (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)
(L–R) Mike Jamison (Howard Keel), Michael Lawrence (Van Johnson), Mike Tracy (Barry Sullivan), and Marcy Lewis (Jane Wyman) meet in “Three Guys Named Mike.” (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)

Marcy’s first assignment after finishing her training is the Cleveland to Nashville flight pattern. On her first day, her taxi gets a flat tire, so she gets a ride from Mike Jamison (Keel). She talks about how much more important stewardesses are than pilots, not realizing that her driver is a pilot. Their relationship is off to a rough start as she forgets the lunches on her first flight, on which Mike Jamison happens to be the pilot! However, as they continue working together, they grow fond of each other.

Eventually, Marcy is transferred to the Los Angeles to Chicago run, where she is reunited with her three training school friends. They pool their salaries to rent a bungalow in Los Angeles. On one of her flights, Marcy meets graduate research student Michael Lawrence (Johnson), who she immediately senses is an important person. When Marcy and Jane have car trouble while driving around Los Angeles, Mike Tracy (Sullivan), whom they mistake for a gardener, gives them a push. At the Chicago airport, Marcy runs into him again and learns that he is an advertising man; she accompanies him to a business dinner with an important client. Soon, Marcy finds herself caught between three really nice guys named Mike, and has great affection for each. Which Mike will she choose?

Starring Jane Wyman

Jane Wyman was a popular Golden Era actress and Ronald Reagan’s first wife. Maybe you remember her as Aunt Polly in Disney’s “Pollyanna” (1960). Perhaps you heard that she won Best Actress in 1948 for playing a deaf-mute girl in “Johnny Belinda.” I know of Jane Wyman for all these accomplishments, but “Three Guys Named Mike” is my favorite movie with this cute actress.

Marcy Lewis is the kind of girl everyone would like to have as a friend. She has a suggestion for every stranger, a tip for every friend, and an opinion about every subject. She isn’t overly opinionated, bossy, or a know-it-all, though. She’s just so enthusiastic and friendly that she wants to meet new people and help them in any way she can.

Even though this story is centered around Marcy’s adventures, it shows how her job as an airline stewardess allows her to meet three charming but very different suitors. In fact, all they have in common is their admiration for Marcy and sharing the same first name.

The casting is perfect. Howard Keel is ideal as the strapping, self-assured he-man who grows to love Marcy’s spunk after he realizes how much they both love flying and traveling; although this isn’t a musical, we hear a few notes of Keel’s famous baritone voice as he’s driving in his first scene.

Van Johnson is sweet, sensitive, and sincere as a brilliant scientist who is excited about dedicating his life to teaching; he and Marcy bond over their shared love of knowledge, plus a magnetic personal chemistry.

Barry Sullivan is the most suave of the suitors as the charming advertising man; he and Marcy both love big ideas, and he helps her find an outlet for her creativity. The not-so-friendly rivalry between the three men is hilarious!

Jane Whyman stars in romantic comedy "Three Guys Named Mike." (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)
Jane Whyman stars in romantic comedy "Three Guys Named Mike." (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)

The Friendly Skies

“Three Guys Named Mike” is a fascinating glimpse into the world of commercial aviation in the United States after World War II. Flying in 1951 certainly is nothing like now! The airline stewardesses are not only pretty in their cute uniforms and matching caps. They’re also friendly, sweet, and accommodating to their passengers. It’s amazing to see the lengths to which the airline must go to give their passengers lunch on a short flight!

Take a trip back to the golden age of travel with this adorable movie from the golden age of film!

“Three Guys Named Mike” is available on Amazon Video.
Tiffany Brannan is a 22-year-old opera singer, Hollywood historian, vintage fashion enthusiast, and conspiracy film critic, advocating purity, beauty, and tradition on Instagram as @pure_cinema_diva. Her classic film journey started in 2016 when she and her sister started the Pure Entertainment Preservation Society to reform the arts by reinstating the Motion Picture Production Code. She launched Cinballera Entertainment last summer to produce original performances which combine opera, ballet, and old films in historic SoCal venues.
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