Recently, I was approached by a couple who just had their third child. The baby was in agony and they couldn’t find a reason. The 3-month-old couldn’t seem to rest. Was it the milk? Was it pain? What was it?
In my experience (I have a degree in child psychology and I work as an alternative healer), some babies are having a hard time adjusting from either the birth itself or simply to being in their body. In regression therapy, some people can remember their own birth. The details are confirmed by their parents.
It is a phenomenon which is well known among psychotherapists as well as mystics. So there is obviously more going on in the consciousness of an infant than we are aware of.
Many parents play music for their babies while the babies are still in the womb. As long as the music is friendly and symmetrical, I think that is a very good idea and the same music can be used after birth for putting the baby to sleep or to settle an upset baby.
The difficult thing about babies is that they, of course, have no oral language so they can’t say what’s wrong. The body language and the facial expressions can also be hard to decipher, since there are only two expressions to “read” for the first few months: pleasure or pain.
But here’s a method that helps: talk to the baby when she sleeps.
I came across this method in the early ‘90s, and I later found out that it is similar to the methods used by the indigenous peoples of the Arctic and South America.
In Paris, psychiatrist Caroline Eliacheff worked at a ward where they would bring abandoned babies in from the streets of Paris—babies who were found in garbage bins, in parks, and in the subway.

Eliacheff and her team had developed a method to heal these babies, who needless to say were in a very bad situation physically and psychologically.
They would whisper to a sleeping baby something like: “I can see that you are hurting. I am very, very sorry about that. I need to tell you that you are loved, by me and by your mother. You where not abandoned because your mother didn’t love you. She couldn’t take care of you and left you so that you could come here. You are in a place where you are loved.”
These weren’t Eliacheff’s exact words, but based on the idea of this treatment, these are words I would have said in a similar situation. This method can be used to treat various problems, whether it be the unsettling experience of birth or physical issues like colic and bodily pains.
I think reincarnation plays a role in the baby’s ability to understand these complex ideas being communicated to him, even if this may seem “a bit out there” and mystical in a medical world of statistics and research. The baby’s mind has lived before and knows more than it could from its limited time in its current body.
I don’t think that reincarnation is, however, the only explanation for this. I’m inclined to say without further ado, that babies just understand.
We know from children’s psychology that babies are masters of reading facial expressions, moods, and body language. What is a baby if not unconditioned consciousness and thereby limitless in its perception?
I believe they have the reminiscences of the cosmos still and, in a way, the main part of their consciousness still is very much synced with the celestial realm from which they come.
I was recently in touch with a mother who hadn’t had one hour of uninterrupted sleep for herself in five months.
I coached her into the baby talk: “In order to take care of you and play with you, I really need my sleep. I would so love if you would help me with that. You are here with us now and we love you and you have nothing to fear. We will do everything in our power to protect you.”
After three days, the baby settled and had hours of uninterrupted sleep. So did the parents.
The talk has to be calm. The talk has to be without emotional outbursts. The talk needs to target what is “wrong,” and often what is wrong is on a mystical level, as coming into flesh is perceived as unpleasant and very far from an existence in the spirit world of the celestial.
If the baby is breastfed, it often is the mother’s burden and that will wear her down. The father, who really wants to help, has very few tools with which to operate, no matter how involved he is. This can create a friction between the parents and a baby will pick up on those “bad vibes.” They are not bad parents—it’s human behavior, no matter how conscious the parents are.
Talk to the baby: “We are very sorry that it seems like we are annoyed at each other. We do not sleep that much, that is why. We love you and will keep you safe.”
And along that line, as mentioned in the above example, do not blame anybody! Do not say: “I’m so tired and your daddy is really of no help.” You are not talking to a therapist or a girlfriend. Heal with words and drop the blame game. If not, you are programming the baby, in this example, to dislike her dad.
You can use your hands also. Put your right hand very gently on the baby’s tummy or caress it gently while you talk. Do the baby talk a couple of times a day.
Have peace in your heart when you do it. Keep a calm voice and only do it when you feel settled. If not, you will only radiate further discontent and risk making things worse.
I practiced this for years on healing babies, and it is very efficient. I have worked with parents and introduced this, and the results speak for themselves. The method is very safe.
This method can also be used with toddlers. When they start in daycare, they often have the fear of being abandoned. Explain it to them before they start and during the first weeks until the child is familiar with the situation.
Talk to the babies, even if you feel silly.