The Witty and Wise Short Poems of Russel Winick

The poems are from the Society of Classical Poets, founded by Evan Mantyk. The Society is dedicated to reviving traditional poetry.
The Witty and Wise Short Poems of Russel Winick
Russel Winick's collection of short poems offer a glimpse into our humanity. Milada Vigerova/Unsplash
Evan Mantyk


If someone frequently creates annoying situations, And you respond to them continuously all the same, Each time resulting just in carbon copy aggravations, Can it be truly said the other person is to blame?


Old man with a beard. Batumi, Georgia. (<a href="">Mari Lezhava</a>/<a href="">CC0</a>)
Old man with a beard. Batumi, Georgia. Mari Lezhava/CC0
The image that I carefully create, And nurture to sustain upon exam, I hope someday to fully replicate, So it can be exactly what I am.

Maxim No. 1

The challenge I must master to the letter, Is that sometimes the less I say, the better.

Didn’t Look There

A child standing and looking for something in water. Unknown photographer. (Public Domain)
A child standing and looking for something in water. Unknown photographer. Public Domain
I looked everywhere, But it was no place, Except for right there— In front of my face.


The divergence between generous or just cheap May seem like a significant cost, But consider the value of what you don’t keep When through stinginess goodwill is lost.


Which criticisms Do the most To bother you?
Those false and spiteful Or the ones Which might be true?

Beneficial Lesson

A caring and sensitive Human being learns— Don’t trivialize Someone else’s concerns.


Relationships are courses in which You should not enroll, If changing other people is your Pre-existing goal.
Love and acceptance are all acts springing forth from a generosity of the spirit. (Anastasia Vityukova/Unsplash)
Love and acceptance are all acts springing forth from a generosity of the spirit. Anastasia Vityukova/Unsplash
Russel Winick recently started writing poetry after ending a long legal career. He resides in Naperville, Illinois.
 The above poems were originally published in the Society of Classical Poets.
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Evan Mantyk
Evan Mantyk
Evan Mantyk is an English teacher in New York and President of the Society of Classical Poets.