In the first-part review of the groundbreaking documentary “The War on Children” (TWOC), husband-wife duo Robby and Landon Starbuck, expose the assault on children and childhood. The Starbucks depict left-liberal lobbies mainstreaming the destruction of traditional values: morality, truth, family, marriage, the innocence of children, and the primacy of parents in a child’s upbringing.
With the breathtaking narrative of a true-crime procedural, TWOC unravels the depravity of America’s progressivism, the cost of ignoring or trivializing that depravity, and practical ways for troubled parents to protect themselves and their children. Part two of this review explores TWOC’s practical suggestions for parents who are anxious to keep their children safe.
Dealing With the Problem
Move your money elsewhere, if necessary, to smaller, values-driven companies. Interviewee Justin Danhof, head of Corporate Governance at Strive Asset Management, explains how corporate regulatory and standards bodies impose LGBT agenda by punishing failure to ally: NASDAQ delisting, removal of a “perfect score” on the Corporate Equality Index. Equally, TWOC highlights how State Farm retreated after backlash against its LGBT campaigns.
Tenn. House Majority Leader Rep. William Lamberth (L) speaks to Robby and Landon Starbuck about the war on children. Starbuck Studios
Know what images or clips your children access at home, school, or elsewhere. The filmmakers emphasize the power in knowing what’s really happening around them: “A generation that seeks truth is a generation that can save America.”
Challenge deceptive mainstream media narratives that pander to Pride, and pillory prudery. The media overlooks harm from puberty-suppressing hormonal treatments pushed onto children often without FDA approval because Big Pharma accounts for most TV ad-spending. TWOC suggests that it’s because of moral complacency, not moral panic, that unprecedented numbers of high school students now claim they’re not straight, and are several fold the proportion of baby boomers who identified as LGBT.
Make Connections
Connect the dots better. Distinguish between traditional, age-appropriate sex education that doesn’t sexualize content, and newfangled Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) that does. TWOC shows how the latter is poisoned by pedagogy beholden to malicious folk with dubious credentials as academics, scientists, or policymakers.
Kara Frederick (L), director of Tech Policy Center at The Heritage Foundation, and former Facebook intelligence analyst, speaks to Robby and Landon Starbuck about the war on children. Robby Starbuck
One documentary segment connects the diabolical dots between Frank and Mary S. Calderone, John Money, Hugh Hefner, Alfred Kinsey, and Brock Chisholm, whose primary goal was to extinguish, not just blur, morality and undermine traditional laws around family, marriage and children. The fiendish Calderone-inspired Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, SIECUS, shapes CSE across 50 states. It is part of perverse elements of the National Coalition Against Censorship, which thrusts LGBT books on children under the guise of a “right to read.”
Differentiate between earlier Social Emotional Learning (SEL) that focuses on “empathy and perspective-taking” SEL, and transformative SEL. An SEL expert interviewee clarifies that the latter imparts SEL to children through a racial-equity lens, denounces legacy pedagogy as racist-oppressive, and makes children social justice warriors who’ll “tear down” American systems to make them more “equitable” for these alleged “oppressed groups.”
Counter LGBT lies such as these: Trans-women are women who have no competitive sports or physical advantage over women; “gender-affirming services” cuts risks of suicide and depression there’s no porn in schools; gender is a social construct/spectrum; biological sex doesn’t matter and there aren’t side effects after gender-reassignment surgery. Interviewee Brett Craig, former chief creative officer at ad agency Deutsch decodes the LGBT lobby’s inversion of the truth: “Diversity is conformity, equity is unfairness, and inclusion is exclusion.”
Collegiate swimmer Riley Gaines speaks to Robby and Landon Starbuck about the war on children. Starbuck Studios
Educate yourself. Reclaim your role as parents. The Starbucks address parents: You are your child’s greatest teacher, protecting them from exploitation and trafficking is more important than upsetting them for a while, and more important than your political affiliations. Embrace the outdoors, faith, family time, and bonding with your children over study, sport, and leisure. Don’t let smartphones, video games, or TV sets proxy as babysitters because you’re tired or busy. Don’t blindly trust children’s content on TV, online, or from publishers or schools just because you can’t conceive of anyone violating the sacred space of a child’s mind.
Social Engineering
Grasp how “The Mere-Exposure Effect” (TMEF) informs “social engineering,” by engendering preferences around what’s more familiar. It’s why mainstream media and social media flood the public with imagery that would’ve been considered “fringe” even a decade ago. TMEF enables a false world, normalizing “theories as facts, facts as theories, opinions as violence, silence as safety,”self-declared identity over biological rights or individual merit, and opposing the criminality of oppressive LGBT activism as “hate crime.”
Isn’t TMEF counterintuitive? No. Wise folks coined the ancient aphorism “familiarity breeds contempt” before addictive social media enabled even the most harmful online content to be freely accessed and amplified in seconds. Here, familiarity breeds comfort, connection, camaraderie, even if it’s all illusory.
TWOC doesn’t state this, but it needs stating: TMEF incrementalism converts a vocal minority into a deafening majority because the silent majority imagines that the minority’s too minuscule, and too harmless to transform the status quo.
Professional drag queen Veronika Elektronika speaks with Robby and Landon Starbuck on the corruption of children. Starbuck Studios
TWOC depicts how online groomers target children for sex trafficking via social media: providing attention, thriving on alienation, developing trust, desensitizing children to sexual content. Mr. Starbuck spoke to a sex-trafficking survivor Keelin Washington, who was “sold online over a thousand times beginning at age fourteen.” She supports hundreds of survivors and confirms that the media misrepresents child sex trafficking as a myth or conspiracy theory: “80 percent of victims are U.S. citizens,” she said during the interview.
Fathers must reclaim roles as protectors, and not stay mere procreators-providers. TWOC depicts how pedophiles and traffickers target children who have “weak” or “absent” fathers. Fathers must stand up, protest harm to their children, and not plead that it’s for mothers to deal with. That includes demanding age verification on porn platforms; TWOC argues for social media to face similar restrictions.
Finally, find ways to separate truth from falsehood. Heartbreaking footage shows a detransitioner confessing that for all their talk, “gender-affirming” Kaiser Permanente sponsored only her transitioning, leaving her to cope with the physical, emotional and psychological aftermath of detransitioning.
In one chilling clip, Pride-parade revelers chant, “We’re coming for your children! We’re coming for your children!” What a pity if parents continue dismissing that as an idle threat.
You can watch“The War on Children” on MoviesPlus or Rumble, via Apple TV, Roku, and Android TV.
‘The War on Children’
Director: Robby Starbuck
Running Time: 2 hours, 21 minutes
Release Date: Feb. 2, 2024Rated: 4 stars out of 5
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Rudolph Lambert Fernandez
Rudolph Lambert Fernandez is an independent writer who writes on pop culture.