Yellowstone National Park sprawls over one of the most powerful supervolcanoes on Earth. The steamy mist and swirl of colors in the surrounding geothermal features blend with a fiery sunset and billowing clouds in the time-lapse film, “Hades Exhales,” by Harun Mehmedinovic.
Time-lapse is perfect for capturing the subtle dance of pine-needles and for sweeping through a day of beauty into a starry night in just a few minutes.
“Hades Exhales” is part of SKYGLOW, a crowdfunded project that raises awareness about light pollution by exploring the most impressive dark-sky preserves in North America.
A peaceful start culminates in a burst of shooting stars and steaming geysers. Mehmedinovic wrote in a description of the video: “This breathtaking volcanic ritual serves as reminder that some of the most beautiful parts of nature are often the most dangerous.”

For more of Mehmedinovic’s work, see or follow @modrac on Twitter.