‘The quality was astounding,’ Says Dancer

The Shen Yun Performing Arts dancers made a deep impression on Ruth Gudaitis, herself a dancer, who marvelled at the ability and femininity of the female members of the dance company.
‘The quality was astounding,’ Says Dancer
Member of the audience enjoying the Shen Yun show at Canon Theatre in Toronto on Saturday, May 8. (Gordon Yu/The Epoch Times)
Matthew Little
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/Resize_of_Sat_Night_Audience_Photo_2.jpg" alt="Member of the audience enjoying the Shen Yun show at Canon Theatre in Toronto on Saturday night, May 8. (Gordon Yu/The Epoch Times)" title="Member of the audience enjoying the Shen Yun show at Canon Theatre in Toronto on Saturday night, May 8. (Gordon Yu/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1820144"/></a>
Member of the audience enjoying the Shen Yun show at Canon Theatre in Toronto on Saturday night, May 8. (Gordon Yu/The Epoch Times)
TORONTO—The Shen Yun Performing Arts dancers made a deep impression on Ruth Gudaitis, herself a dancer, who marvelled at the ability and femininity of the female members of the dance company.

“The quality is very, very high. I found it very fascinating. The quality was astounding, the timing, everything—the arm movements, heads, everything. Everybody was together,” said Mrs. Gudaitis, who works with a dance studio and dances mostly ballet but also modern, tango, and flamenco.

“I’m trying to figure out the walking, moving across the stage without moving—that’s fantastic,” she said, referring to the smooth toe-heel walk that the dancers do which, in their full-length dresses, gives them a floating quality.

Mrs. Gudaitis attended the Shen Yun show at Canon Theatre on Saturday night. After seeing the show, she said she found the performance very calming and was struck by the delicacy and gentleness the female dancers.

“I was wondering what their actual character is because nowadays women aren’t so meek, women are more outspoken,” she said, adding that she loved this quality in the dancers.

“I think it’s wonderful, it’s what we need. I think it’s a positive. I think it’s lovely, I think it’s something that shouldn’t be forgotten and that’s what people need to actually go back to. It’s more great, and has more respect for each other,” she added.

Her husband, Charles Gudaitis, was also impressed.

“I thought it was really colourful and the music was very unique because of the blend of instruments. I enjoyed that,” he said.

Shen Yun’s one-of-a-kind orchestra mixes traditional Chinese and classical Western instruments for a sound that is at once familiar and exotic.

“I’ve enjoyed it very much,” said Mrs. Gudaitis.

“I loved it, the colours and the costumes were fantastic and the use of fans and the ribbons and the sleeve ribbons and the drums.”

“I really enjoyed the whole show,” she said. “I liked the last [dance] the best. The foreclosing, though, was amazing.”

Mr. Gudaitis commented on the combination of colours.

“The colours were very nice. They were very spring and very feminine. The pinks and the greens and the blues were beautiful,” he said.

It was their fist time to see Shen Yun. Mrs. Gudaitis said she wants some of her friends to see it as well.

“I have some people that I want to have come.”

Shen Yun Performing Arts will play one more show on Sunday afternoon. For more information, please visit www.ShenYunPerformingArts.org.

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