Little things mean a lot—like the two words “batteries included.” Just knowing they’re in there somewhere means less hassle and one less thing to buy. But face it. The initial powering-up of a battery-operated device is a minor concern. It’s the cost of keeping it going for years to come that should be considered.
Alkaline Versus Heavy-Duty
Consumers Union, which publishes Consumer Reports Magazine, concluded that when it comes to single-use batteries, the alkaline and lithium varieties are by far the best performers. Even the most expensive heavy-duty battery cannot compete with the cheapest alkaline or lithium.So, the conclusion is clear: Buy alkaline, which is cheaper than lithium, and buy according to price, not by brand. Go for the store or generic brands, and when you find them on sale, stock up.
Expiration Dates
Alkaline batteries have a life of about five years. However, they lose power slightly when not in use. That is why you should always look for the latest “best if used by” date code.Storing Batteries
It’s not exactly a myth that storing batteries in the refrigerator will preserve their energy, but it’s close. Tests indicate chilled batteries have only a slight, if any, increase in life expectancy over batteries stored at room temperature—no more than 10 percent.Rechargeable Batteries
Even the best rechargeable NiCad batteries do not perform as long on a single charge as the same number of single-use alkaline. However, for power-hungry items such as CD players, games, and other items that get lots of use, rechargeables make a lot of sense because they can be recharged hundreds of times.Rechargeable NiCads are not recommended for low-drain devices or passive applications such as smoke detectors and alarm clocks.
Rechargeable alkaline batteries, which are less expensive than NiCads, lose significant capacity with each recharge and have a life expectancy of only about 25 recharges.