The Good Money Challenge—Good Money Revolution (30)

The Good Money Challenge—Good Money Revolution (30)

JANUARY 15, 2020. That’s the date I sold my financial planning business after twenty-five years. I came to that day after quite a bit of prayer, many discussions with my wife, and a lot of reflective thought. Most of the thinking had to do with what I wanted the next twenty-five years of my life to look like, and I came to the conclusion that I wanted to pursue my passion of teaching others to earn more, save more, and give more so they can live a life of purpose. I realized my vision would require selling my business and launching something new. I knew it would not be without struggle, not unlike many of you out there trying new jobs or adventures. But if you’ve ever had a dream, put your mind to it, and fought with determination while wondering if it was going to work, I know that feeling. But somewhere along the way you start to enjoy the journey and it begins to feel worth the huge leap of faith. Your purpose fuels your progress.

Good Money Revolution is not just motivational—it’s purposeful. Motivation can come and go, but if you have a purpose, you’ll fight, you’ll sacrifice, you’ll do whatever it takes to climb the hill. The key is to connect your cash to a cause, your money to a movement, your profits to a purpose.

The old way of thinking about money is over. Today you’ve been handed a reset button, and we know successful people press that button frequently.

Today you’re looking forward. No more looking backward; enough is enough. It’s time to revolt against your old ways of thinking about money and those mindsets you may have formed when you were barely past childhood and have thoughtlessly repeated. Done. Kaput. Finished.

You are now a giver. Life isn’t about you anymore. It’s bigger than you. This is about making a conscious decision to make your life stand for something, to make a difference, to make the world a better place—all through your Generosity Purpose.

Picture your ideal life: playing with your kids or grandkids, traveling to tropical beaches, building relationships with new friends, and working hard at your job to give profits away to the causes you care deeply about. Picture the impact you could have.

If you don’t, here’s what’s at stake: impact will be lost, people’s lives will be left unchanged, and you will remain unfulfilled with your money and your life.

The way you’re choosing to use your money can change your family, your health, your wealth, your happiness, your fulfillment, and the world. It’s time to believe it. So I end by asking you to take the Good Money Challenge.

Good Money Challenge

I believe that money is good. Good money in the hands of good people gets good work done.

I choose to give my money strategically to make the world a better place through my Generosity Purpose.

I accept the Good Money Challenge to earn more, save more, and give more.

The Good Money Revolution starts now. Are you ready?

(The End)
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This excerpt is taken from “Good Money Revolution: How to Make More Money to Do More Good” by Derrick Kinney. To read other articles of this book, click here. To buy this book, click here.

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Derrick Kinney is changing how you feel about money. He believes money is not bad and good people should have more of it. After applying these proven principles with thousands of clients, Kinney sold his multimillion-dollar business to teach these success steps to you.
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