The Consummate Traveler: Get Ready for House Guest Season

The Consummate Traveler: Get Ready for House Guest Season

The holiday season is just around the corner, can you believe it? That means you may be opening your home to houseguests. If the idea of being a host makes you anxious, fear not. With just a few key pointers, you can minimize your stress and be better prepared to enjoy a visit with loved ones. I'd like to share my top three tips on making any guest feel welcome when visiting one’s home.

First, the most interesting advice I have ever read on this subject was to spend a night in the room, couch, or air mattress that you will offer to your guests. Many issues you may not have even thought of can appear right before your eyes, giving you a whole different perspective on your home. This “test drive” will allow you to immediately remedy any issues you encounter, such as moving furniture into a better layout, lowering the sound of your grandfather clock, or providing heavier blankets to rescue a drafty room.

Second, ask your guests at least one week before they arrive what their favorite snacks and drinks are. Stocking up on these goodies will make them feel instantly at home when they arrive. Leave a basket or tray with these items in your kitchen or in their guest room to allow easy access to them. If you really want to splurge, set up an automatic coffee or tea station in their room so that they can have a warm beverage any time of day or night without waking up the whole house. There are many compact machines on the market these days that fit nicely in small spaces. How luxurious is that!

Finally, communication is essential to ensuring a happy visit. Offer guests a high-level proposed itinerary prior to their arrival to begin the discussion of daily activities and expectations. Adjust plans together as needed. As a host, I think it is important to organize one or two outings during their stay. However, don’t go overboard and create an aggressive schedule. There should be plenty of time set aside to read a book or sit on the couch together and relive old times. If you are not available for a few hours during their stay, simply label that period as “free time” so they know they are able to make their own plans accordingly.

As always, I wish you all the happiest of travels!

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