The Best Apps For Baking Cookies (Video)

Its national cookie day! What better way to celebrate the holidays than baking some of your favorite treats? Before you get the oven ready, check out these best apps to download for baking cookies.
Epoch Video

Its national cookie day! What better way to celebrate the holidays than baking some of your favorite treats? Before you get the oven ready, check out these best apps to download for baking cookies. 

1. Cookies Recipes and Biscuits 

This app is free, and available for iPhone, it gives you the best, and most popular recipes with easy to follow steps, and ingredient list. The best part of this app is that no wifi is needed, so you can check these recipes when you are on the go. 

2. Cookie Nook

The Cookie Nook is $1.99, and features dozens of recipes. The graphics along with step by step instruction make it easy to follow. 

3. Chocolate- Irresistible Recipes

For chocolate lovers, look no further this app is available at $2.99, here you will find all chocolate infused recipes, including cakes, and drinks. 

4. The Photo Cookbook

It features about 500 pictures of 60 recipes, this app is attractive, and also offers recipes of various types of bread. It costs about $4.99.  

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