Imagine it’s a beautiful fall day. You’re whizzing down country roads, enjoying the vibrant colors of red and yellow maples, when suddenly, a bright-orange triangle catches your eye. Slamming on the brakes, you realize that an Amish buggy is just ahead, and you curiously crane your neck, hoping for a glimpse of the plainly clad individuals inside.
Alas, your vehicle’s slowed pace leaves you little more than a glimpse of them, and you speed on, glad you’re heading back to modernity and its conveniences rather than stuck behind a horse.
Close to Heart and Hearth
“Schools within walking distance of home.”Schools within walking distance of home are schools that are front and center in the neighborhood. Everyone knows what’s going on there, and there’s no chance of hiding bad behavior on the part of students or unacceptable indoctrination on the part of teachers.
A community school also provides a common interest for the neighborhood, involving people young and old in its upkeep and offering a place in which people can come together, meet each other, and bond with those with whom they have no connection except for the fact that they live in the same vicinity.
Individual Attention
“No school to be so large that pupils had to be sorted into different compartments and assigned different teachers every year.”Time to Reset
“The school year would be no longer than eight months.”Sometimes, we get so caught up in pushing ourselves to succeed that we forget to take a break. The longer school years and days that many currently push for may help increase academic performance, but are we more interested in said performance or in babysitting services?
The more hours that we keep students in school, the less time we, as families, have to spend with our children. And the longer that students are in school, the more alienated they are from their families and neighborhoods, as well as the outdoors and freedom. Thus, choosing healthy limits that allow for academic, familial, and free-time balance should be an important priority for any good school.

Parental Authority
“Important decisions would be under parental control, not that of bureaucrats.”Consistent Values
“Teachers hired were to be knowledgeable in, and sympathetic to, Amish values and rural ways.”The Amish seem to understand that teachers spend a good chunk of their waking hours with their children, and as such, they possess great influence over their young minds. Thus, it’s essential that teachers hold the same values as the parents, for without them, a young child will quickly be influenced away from his faith, parents, and community.
Teaching Wisdom, Not Just Knowledge
“Children were to be taught that wisdom and academic knowledge were two different things.”Wisdom and academic knowledge are what many today refer to as education and schooling. Today’s education system fixates on the latter, teaching students to jump through hoops by checking the right boxes and getting the right credentials. Education, however, ministers to the whole individual, training the student in how to handle life in general, including the spiritual, mental, and emotional aspects.
By differentiating between wisdom and academic knowledge, the Amish guard against turning their children into “clever devils.” Such individuals have enough head knowledge to be dangerous but don’t understand or know the heart or soul aspect of life enough in order to reign in their base desires and live as responsible, upstanding members of society.
Education Beyond the Classroom
“Every student would have practical internships and apprenticeships supervised by parents.”By insisting on apprenticeships, the Amish once again succeeded in differentiating between schooling and true education, as mentioned above.
Following the Amish Pattern
It’s not hard to see that our schools have problems. But in recent decades, we’ve tried to solve those problems by trying the most recent tech devices and educational theories one after another.Perhaps all that we ever needed to do was try something simple, and the Amish pattern of family- and community-based schools may provide just such a pattern.