Tempestuous Beauty of Arizona Captured in Ethereal Time-Lapse Video

Few have experienced the unique landscape of Jurassic-era petrified sandstone in Arizona’s remote White Pocket. A sublime, ever-changing sky flies over the stunning terrain in a new time-lapse video by Gavin Heffernan and Harun Mehmedinović.
Tara MacIsaac

To film their latest time-lapse masterpiece, Gavin Heffernan and Harun Mehmedinović traveled the often-impassable sand roads to Arizona’s White Pocket. Due to the difficulty of reaching it, relatively few visitors have experienced this unique landscape of Jurassic-era petrified sandstone. More frequently visited, but nonetheless spectacular in this artful time-lapse, are the rust-colored rock faces of Vermilion Cliffs National Monument.

(<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/50014474@N05/16435775899/in/set-72157650577597300" target="_blank">Gavin Heffernan, Harun Mehmedinović</a>)
(Gavin Heffernan, Harun Mehmedinović)

Heffernan and Mehmedinović filmed the “brain rocks” and “cauliflower rocks” of White Pocket against a sublime, ever-changing sky. Now turquoise, now primrose, calm and stormy at once, the skies rush over trembling bushes.

Black clouds unfurl and drop heavily like a curtain over the backdrop of white cumulus clouds and happy blue sky.

(Screenshot/<a href="https://vimeo.com/120341128" target="_blank">"Tempest Vermillion"/Vimeo</a>)
(Screenshot/"Tempest Vermillion"/Vimeo)

As the film climaxes, lightning performs a frenzied and erratic dance across the land. Surreal cloud trails mesmerize before a vortex of stars pulls you into space.

(<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/50014474@N05/16435777269/in/set-72157650577597300" target="_blank">Gavin Heffernan, Harun Mehmedinović</a>)
(Gavin Heffernan, Harun Mehmedinović)

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra carries you through the experience with “White Dwarf 2,” composed by Terry Devine-King.

Heffernan and Mehmedinović created this film in collaboration with BBC Earth. They aim next to “explore the most exotic dark sky locations in North America, while examining the complex biological and psychological impacts of light pollution on society,” they wrote in a Vimeo post. On April 3rd, they will launch SKYGLOW, a Kickstarter venture, to fund this project. View the SKYGLOW Facebook page here

For more of Heffernan’s work, see SunChaserPictures.com or follow @GavinHeffernan on Twitter. For more of Mehmedinović’s work, see Bloodhoney.com. For still-frames, see Sun Chaser Pictures on Flickr.


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(<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/50014474@N05/15286261925/in/set-72157647361173617" target="_blank">Gavin Heffernan/SunchaserPictures</a>)
(Gavin Heffernan/SunchaserPictures)
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