Receiving a package that you ordered can make for a joyous moment. But for one Delaware family, their smiles were turned into full-blown laughter after their Amazon delivery woman followed their particular set of delivery instructions perfectly.
Lynn Staffieri, of Magnolia, Delaware, needed a new pet playpen for the kittens her family was fostering, so she ordered one on Amazon. But she failed to see the “additional instructions” that her teenage son had mischievously set as a default a couple months earlier.
In the box under the prompt that reads, “Do we need additional instructions to find this address?” 13-year-old Jacob Staffieri wrote, “No, but knock on the door 3 times and scream abra cadabra as loud as you can and run super fast away.”
“It was just the first thing that came to mind, and I thought it would be funny to hear someone say that,” Jacob told CNN.

When the package arrived last week, Staffieri was unaware of the instructions, and her son had forgotten, so when they heard three knocks on their door and someone screaming “abra cadabra,” they were shocked.
They turned to see the moment recorded on their Nest camera, and it made their day.
“[Jacob] was cracking up. He thought it was the funniest thing. He didn’t think that anyone would do that,” Staffieri said. “I thought it was great. It gave us such a laugh.”
“In today’s world, we all need a little fun and laughter. What a great Amazon lady for playing along with this,” one person commented.
Staffieri apologized, saying she knows that her son shouldn’t have done that, but she said that she hopes the Amazon delivery woman knows that she made thousands of people laugh.
“I’m sure that the jobs of essential workers have been so tough and people have been ordering a lot of stuff, so she must have been busy,” Staffieri said. “But for her to have the energy and attention to detail, it just put a smile on our faces.”