Teacher Smacks Child With Ruler Every Day for Being Late, Then One Day He Uncovers Truth

Teacher Smacks Child With Ruler Every Day for Being Late, Then One Day He Uncovers Truth
(Fahad Maqsusi)

For many children around the world, school is not something they can take for granted. While in most developed countries, school is mandatory along with being free, that’s not the case in poorer parts of the world.

According to a UNESCO report published in 2018, only 83 percent of kids around the world will finish elementary school—the most basic level possible. Up to 264 million children won’t receive any education at all.

For people of privilege who can’t imagine what would keep a child from going to school, Fahad Maqsusi, a social media artist from India, showed just what kids from poor families face.

The video shows a boys’ classroom in India. On Day 1 of the story, the teacher is writing notes on the board for a lesson about India’s political system. The students are listening to the teacher when another boy shows up. The teacher looks down at his watch, clearly irritated that boy has shown up late for the lesson.

While it might be shocking for viewers in the United States, the boy must hold out his right hand to receive the punishment for being tardy. The teacher takes his ruler and strikes the boy’s hand before allowing him to go and sit down and join the class.

On Day 2, the interaction is much the same. Once again, the boy arrives late and the teacher is angry. Only today, the boy is reluctant to put his hand out knowing the punishment that awaits him. Finally, the furious teacher comes toward him, grabs his hand, and administers two blows with the ruler.

It seems that horrible cycle will never end for the tardy student. Unfortunately, on Day 3, the terrible scenario keeps going. The boy arrives late once again and the teacher is ready with his ruler. Only this time, the boy withdraws his hand each time the teacher swipes with his ruler.

All this does is make the other boys in the class burst out into laughter—and make the teacher that much more angry! He catches up with the boy eventually and gives him two hard smacks on the hand with the ruler. Will it ever end?

But finally, on day 4, something happens that completely changes the teacher’s perspective. He is out on the street in the early morning, jogging before school starts. All of a sudden, he sees the eternally tardy student. Only the boy isn’t wasting time playing on a phone or running around with his friends. He’s riding a bicycle down the street with a sense of purpose.

The curious teacher stops and turns around to see what’s going on. Intrigued to see a big stack of newspapers on the back of the bicycle, he hides behind a wall to see what exactly the boy is up to. He sees the kid take a newspaper and drop it over the wall of a house. And then again at another house.

This is the reason why the boy has been so late. He has a paper route to support his family and perhaps to help pay for school supplies, textbooks, and uniform, so he can attend in the first place.

Later that morning, when the boy shows up at school, the interaction is completely different. While the boy, who had no idea that the teacher saw him on his job, is expecting more blows for showing up late, he’s completely stunned when the teacher approaches him and gives him a big hug.

“There are many under privileged living with hidden secrets, this one is an example,” wrote Fahad Maqsusi, describing the video on Facebook. The message of being compassionate and understanding to those who come from difficult backgrounds touched many viewers.

One commenter put it best: “it’s such an important message for everyone, everywhere and every culture. We are too quick to judge in our world and quicker still to condemn.”

Watch the video here:

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