Tasting Luxury in Burma Before the Crowds Arrive

Travellers are quickly becoming aware of Burma and it will only become more popular and more visited, so it’s wise to explore while you still can.
Tasting Luxury in Burma Before the Crowds Arrive
Burma (Shutterstock*)

It is difficult to find a country to explore these days. The world has become a smaller place with easily available flights to every corner, but some nations have yet to become regular tourist destinations. Burma is one such place. The country in Southeast Asia is one of few that still offers a bit of mystery. It is an exotic, far-flung land with treasures of all kinds to be discovered, but they won’t be undiscovered for long.

Travellers are quickly becoming aware of Burma and it will only become more popular and more visited, so it’s wise to explore while you still can. And if you prefer luxury travel you won’t be disappointed either, with a plethora of fabulous places to stay, in incredible towns and cities that you may never have heard of. If you really are considering a luxury trip to Burma, these locations might whet your appetite further:



Bagan Pagoda <a href="http://www.shutterstock.com/dl2_lim.mhtml?src=yyiAnl2VkQs0p8V8CXOhRQ-1-1&id=181467110&size=medium_jpg&submit_jpg=">(Shutterstock*)</a>
Bagan Pagoda (Shutterstock*)

This is one of the richest archaeological sites in Burma, with over 5000 ancient monuments spread over an area of just 26 square miles. Bagan is a traditional centre of Buddhist practice and philosophy and an incredible place to see.

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Copyright © 2014 by A Luxury Travel Blog. This article was written by James Jayasundera and originally published on aluxurytravelblog.com

*Image of Burma via Shutterstock

*Image of Bagan Pagoda via Shutterstock

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