Who is the designated water watcher?
Not necessary, you think? There are lifeguards on duty. You are on vacation and want to relax.
Most children younger than five drown in pools owned by family or friends where there won’t be lifeguards. Older children are more likely to drown in lakes or ponds where there might not be lifeguards, either. Sixty-four percent of African American children and 45 percent of Hispanic children have few to no swimming skills, according to the American Red Cross.
The American Red Cross urges that we all pay attention to the Circle of Drowning Prevention. That includes everyone always swimming with a buddy.
Does everyone in your family know basic water safety skills? The American Red Cross has Longfellow whose WHALE Tales can help teach young children important water safety topics with content designed for kids kindergarten through second grade and third through fifth grade with videos and activity sheets. Check out this video from the American Academy of Pediatrics on how to keep young children safe near water.Children, inexperienced swimmers, and boaters should all wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets.
Will there be a lifeguard at a pool party you are attending or hosting? (Local teens working as lifeguards would be glad to make some extra money! )
“Whether you’re at the beach or a pool, these precautions can prevent injuries and drowning,” said Dr. Lee.
Older kids should ask permission before heading into the water, always with a buddy. An adult should keep a hand on younger kids when they are in the water.
“Also, sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen,” said Dr. Lee. “You’ll want to apply every two hours at minimum or more often after children come out of the water.”
Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen labeled SPF 30 or higher. Mineral sunscreens can be especially effective. Put sunscreen on at least 30 minutes before hitting the beach, using the equivalent of a full shot glass to protect your child. (Don’t forget the tops of feet, hands, and ears.) Reapply every two hours or right after your child leaves the water, since no sunscreen is 100 percent waterproof or sweat-proof.
Sunscreen often causes skin reactions in babies under six months old, the American Academy of Pediatrics notes, so it’s best to protect little ones with a wide-brimmed hat and lightweight clothing that covers their arms and legs, as well as shade.
Rash guards and long-sleeved tops and pants offer extra protection for toddlers and older kids. Protect little feet with water shoes or sneakers on hot sand and playgrounds.
Make sure the kids—and you—drink plenty of water in the heat. You don’t want anyone getting dehydrated and ill.
Just like you wouldn’t consider getting in the car with your baby or toddler without a safety seat, consider buying a seat on a flight so you can use a safety seat approved for air travel. Just in the past month, passengers were seriously injured, and one man died after Singapore Airlines and Qatar Airways flights hit severe turbulence. Late last year, a toddler was among the 36 people injured on a Hawaiian Airlines flight.

“We’ve seen airplanes go through turbulence recently and drop 4,000 feet in a split second,” Sara Nelson, international president of AFA, told the Washington Post following the FAA airline safety summit this past March. “The G-forces are not something even the most loving mother or father can guard against and hold their child. It’s just physically impossible.”