Stunning Sights of Iceland from Above (Video)


Check out these stunning sights of Iceland from a different perspective, as the team from OZZO Photography flies over Reykjanes peninsula in the south west corner of the country! Places visited: Gunnuhver, Reykjanesviti, Blue Lagoon, Geysir, Gullfoss, Skogarfoss. Filmed with TBS Discovery quadcopter and GoPro Hero 3+ camera.

Iceland a land of ice and fire lies between the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean.

The region consists mainly of a plateau, lava fields, mountains and glaciers, hot spa places and geysers. Many glacial rivers with breathtaking waterfalls flow to the sea through the lowlands.

The climate of Iceland is subpolar oceanic. The south coast is warmer, wetter and windier than the north part.

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