Strip Varnished Paneling

Strip Varnished Paneling
Paneling can be lightened and revitalized. George Retseck/TNS

The old dark knotty pine paneling of the ’50s covering many basement and rec room walls can be lightened and revitalized by removing the varnish. But it’s a lot of work. We think it’s worth it, because when the dark varnish is gone, the natural beauty of the wood shows up, giving new meaning to “lighten up.” You can even add color with a whitewashing finish and transform the room entirely.

A painting contractor will charge $507, which includes labor and material, to strip a 10-by-12-foot room of varnished paneling and apply a finish. You can do the job for $100, the cost of the material, and save 80% for your effort. The material includes gel-type varnish remover, mineral spirits, steel wool and sandpaper. For tools you’ll need a wide paintbrush, a roller and pan, a broad knife scraper, a palm sander and a shop vacuum.

To tackle this labor-intensive job, prepare the room by removing everything attached to the walls and moving furnishings to the center so you have enough working space in front of the walls. Cover the floor and everything in it with a heavy drop cloth. Working in 3- to 4-foot sections, apply varnish remover and wait for it to soften the varnish. When it bubbles up, remove it with the scraper. Clean the wood with a wipe-down of mineral spirits, let it dry, and then sand lightly. Use a rag and wipe on oil-base finish, or with a brush and roller apply a water-based polyurethane finish.

To find more DIY project costs and to post comments and questions, visit and on smartphones.

Pro Cost — DIY Cost — Pro time — DIY Time — DIY Savings — Percent Saved

$507 — $100 — 13.3 — 17.5 — $407 — 80%

©2022 Gene and Katie Hamilton. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
Gene and Katie Hamilton
Gene and Katie Hamilton
©2022 Gene and Katie Hamilton. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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