Starting Christmas Prep in July

If you start thinking ahead now, this year’s Christmas season will be a breeze.
Starting Christmas Prep in July
If you plan to travel this holiday season, get ahead of the curve and book early. You’ll likely enjoy better prices and selections. (Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock)
Barbara Danza
Even though it occurs on the same day each and every year, Christmas has a way of sneaking up on many of us. In a season that should be centered on peace and love, many become bogged down with stress and frenzy. Even though it may sound ridiculous, beginning your Christmas preparation now—perhaps while swinging in a hammock and sipping an icy beverage—will pay off in spades. Here are a few simple things you can do in July that will make all the difference come December.

Look Back

Take yourself back to Christmas last year. What went well that you’d like to repeat or enhance? What caused stress? How might you avoid that kind of stress from recurring this year? Finally, how much did you spend?


Considering your expenditures from last year, decide on a budget for this year. Set aside or begin to save that amount. Setting up a specific savings account just for Christmas, in which you automatically deposit a regular amount each week or month, can help ensure you’re financially prepared.

Take Photo

If you plan to create photo greeting cards to send, summertime is a great time for a photo shoot. Everyone generally feels more laid back and is sporting a healthy glow, the weather is better for outdoor pictures, and you might be heading out to a picturesque location for vacation that would suit your Christmas card needs. Set it up now and feel totally on top of things.


Of course, gift shopping is where one’s time and wallet tend to feel the most crunched. Keep a running list of gift ideas for the individuals you usually buy for. Set aside a spot in your home for gifts so that you can pick up things as you find them. Keep your eyes open for things like advent calendars and Christmas pajamas that tend to sell out very early in the season. You don’t need to complete your Christmas shopping now, but starting to gather gifts early is key to a stress-free holiday season.

Book Travel

Finally, if you plan to travel this holiday season, get ahead of the curve and book early. You’ll likely enjoy better prices and selections.

Holiday stress can mostly stem from feeling overwhelmed by the things we feel we need to do to make the magic happen. If you begin now from a relaxed state, you’ll mitigate that feeling completely. Merry Christmas to your future self!

Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is