Star Wars: Get Up to Speed With ‘Allies’

Star Wars “Allies,” begins with Luke and Ben’s quest for truth, but turns into a struggle for survival.
Star Wars: Get Up to Speed With ‘Allies’
FANS ARE READY: Star Wars fans participating in the New York ComicCon 2009. Having read most, if not all, of the Star Wars books, serious fans are gearing up for the next installment in the 'Fate of the Jedi,' series. (Emmanuel Dunand/Getty Images)
<a><img src="" alt="FANS ARE READY: Star Wars fans participating in the New York ComicCon 2009. Having read most, if not all, of the Star Wars books, serious fans are gearing up for the next installment in the 'Fate of the Jedi,' series.   (Emmanuel Dunand/Getty Images)" title="FANS ARE READY: Star Wars fans participating in the New York ComicCon 2009. Having read most, if not all, of the Star Wars books, serious fans are gearing up for the next installment in the 'Fate of the Jedi,' series.   (Emmanuel Dunand/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1813757"/></a>
FANS ARE READY: Star Wars fans participating in the New York ComicCon 2009. Having read most, if not all, of the Star Wars books, serious fans are gearing up for the next installment in the 'Fate of the Jedi,' series.   (Emmanuel Dunand/Getty Images)
If you’re not a passionate fan of the Star Wars saga, you might not realize that Star Wars has had an extended life and zealous fan base way beyond the movie series that began over 30 years ago. There have been almost 200 books and graphic novels released that tell the ongoing story.

The books continue the sci-fi story of the Jedi and the Empire—and include your favorite characters from the movie such as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, and even the droids R2D2 and C3PO.
However, scores of new characters are introduced, including children for Luke and for Han and Leia, who get married. There is also some tragedy, as some major characters die.

Most of the books have been part of a series—some are trilogies, but many contain eight to 10 books. They are written by a variety of authors, each bringing his or her own flavor to the writing.

The newest series, which started in 2009, is called Fate of the Jedi. The most recent book in the nine-part series (book No. 5), is Allies, which was released in June and written by Christie Golden. Golden has written a number of science fiction books for the Star Trek series and the Warcraft novels. This is her second Star Wars book, the first being Omen, also in the Fate of the Jedi group.

The series was originally going to be called the Star Wars Odyssey because some elements of the storyline are drawn from the Odyssey. Fate of the Jedi launches with heroic roles for its main characters—Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, and two of their children, Ben Skywalker and Jaina Solo.

In the previous series, the universe was in a civil war. The outcome of that war included a pall cast on the Jedi that causes Luke to battle for control of the Jedi and repair the damage done to their reputation.

While Luke and Ben set off on the journey of a lifetime, the others remain in more familiar territory, dealing with the aftermath of the civil war. There is a nameless, hidden evil that is stalking the Jedi and other force users—including the dark Sith. While in the movies, we meet only a few Sith, in this series we discover an entire planet of Sith on the far side of the galaxy, entirely unknown to the rest of the universe.


Allies begins with Luke and Ben’s quest for truth, but turns into a struggle for survival. They have learned new ways to transcend their own bodies after meeting with the Mind Walkers, and faced a team of Sith assassins.

The sole survivor of the Sith death squad is a young apprentice named Vestara Khai. An entire fleet of Sith frigates arrive to rescue her and engage Luke and Ben, but the dark warriors surprise the Jedi with a proposal to ally against an evil more ancient and alien than they can imagine.

While the Skywalkers and the Sith set off on their mission, the others are left back on Coruscant trying to find out what is causing many young Jedi to go mad. But it is in the depths of black holes, where the heroes meet their mysterious enemy, that the future of the galaxy is decided.

Christie Golden continues to weave the web of the Star Wars saga in a fascinating story that will keep most readers interested and wanting more.

You probably have to be a Star Wars fan to really get into the books and enjoy them, but everyone can root for the hero’s quest for truth and goodness—which is what you’ll find in any Star Wars novel. The next book in the Fate of the Jedi series comes out in November. In the meantime, catch up with “Allies,” and may the force be with you!

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