Even more toxic than the flowers and leaves of spring-blooming plants are the bulbs, corms, and rhizomes under the soil surface. In addition, if ingested whole, a bulb can block the gastrointestinal tract, requiring surgical removal.
Contact dermatitis occurs with daffodils, hyacinths, and tulips with sap that contains contact allergens. In addition, daffodil and hyacinth sap holds needlelike crystals that cause contact dermatitis through mechanical irritation.
Vomiting, drooling, and diarrhea occur after ingestion of all three of your flower types, as well as spring crocuses, gladiolas, grape hyacinths, irises, and snowdrops. More severe gastrointestinal problems occur after ingestion of the bulbs, corms, or rhizomes.
Heart trouble, including abnormal heart rhythm, develops if a dog consumes large quantities of daffodils, hyacinths, or tulips.
Tremors, seizures, and other types of neurotoxicity occur after ingestion of daffodils in large amounts. Daffodils have even caused cattle and human deaths.
Don’t plant lily of the valley in their place, as ingestion can cause vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal heart rhythms, seizures, collapse, coma, and death in dogs. Every part of the plant is toxic, although the rhizome is most poisonous.
Puppies explore the world by putting things in their mouths, so you'll have to protect Paisley from your spring flowers. Walk her on a leash until she’s an adult and you’re sure she won’t eat your plants. If she does and gets sick, rush her to her veterinarian.
Cryptorchid testicles can’t produce sperm, but they do make testosterone. In cats, testosterone induces such behaviors as urinary marking and the urge to breed, and it gives rise to certain physical characteristics, such as odoriferous urine, big jowls, and thick skin that resists puncture wounds during cat fights.
Testosterone also stimulates the development of spines on the cat’s penis that, during breeding, induce the female cat to ovulate. The spines disappear after the testicles are removed during neuter surgery.
So, ask your veterinarian to examine Loki’s penis for spines, too. If they are present, he is producing testosterone, and the most likely source is one or two cryptorchid testicles. Surgery to remove the retained testicle(s) should stop his objectionable behaviors.