Sniffer dog with a nose the Taliban hated is reunited with her handler at long last

Sniffer dog with a nose the Taliban hated is reunited with her handler at long last

This dog was so good at her job of exposing bombs, which were planted with the sinister intention to kill U.S. soldiers in war-torn Afghanistan.

Taylor’s adept snout was so sensitive, and she was so good at saving lives, that the Taliban placed a bounty on her head.

The Labrador served the military in her working career, but then came the time for her to retire. One soldier was especially going to miss her.

Sgt. Tom Hanson and Taylor formed a special bond on the battlefields, and they spent every moment together. Taylor even found bombs buried beneath Hanson’s feet. This dog was invaluable to the soldiers’ safety.

This is where one special lady came into the picture.

Mollie Oliver, a flight attendant with United, has a passion for reuniting military dogs with their handlers.

Using her own money, she collects the dogs and then flies them across the country to meet with their handlers.

Taylor and Hanson had been apart for two years, and in 2016 it was a very nervous soldier waiting at the Boise airport to see his beloved dog.

“It’s like a part of me has been missing,” he said. “Getting her back now—it’ll make me whole again,” he said on NBC Nightly News.

Taylor was the fifth military dog Oliver has managed to reunite with a handler.

She’s doing a very special job indeed.

Watch the video as these two war buddies reunite and Taylor sees Hanson for the first time in two years, all thanks to Oliver and her inspirational work.

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