Single Dad Goes to Beauty School Just to Learn How to Style Daughter’s Hair

Single Dad Goes to Beauty School Just to Learn How to Style Daughter’s Hair
On the left, Greg Wickherst with his daughter Izzy. On the right, his name on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. (L: Facebook | Greg Wickherst, R: Instagram | thehairdad)

This dad deserves Father of the Year! What dedication to enroll in a very special school just to be a better dad.

Greg Wickherst, a single parent, had trouble fixing his 2-year-old Izzy’s hair just the way she liked it. “Hair has definitely not been my thing,” Greg told The Huffington Post

So what did he do? Why, enroll in beauty school, naturally!

He worked at IntelliTec College, where there also happens to be a cosmetology department, and Greg surprised even himself with his skills.

Speaking to All the Moms, Greg said, “I didn’t want to keep cutting her bangs and be a tom boy forever. I wanted to be a more involved parent and she wanted to be a girly-girl.”

He has garnered interest on Facebook, where he posts some of the very impressive styles he has managed. He even gives tips to the ladies!

“I saw an area that I was lacking as a parent and wanted to fix it, so I asked for help,” Greg Wickherst said in an interview with Bored Panda.

“I work at a college that does Cosmo, so I came up with the idea to ask the program supervisor, Peggy Gunther, to show me some styles. She recommended that I get instruction from her students that were attending.”

Any daughter would be more than happy with these trendy styles.

“I met with Ashley Rivera, and she and I sat with a mannequin head and she showed my how the different styles are done. Some of the things I learned were easier that I thought!”

“In no time, I was able to do a simple braid, then a fishbone braid, and a French braid,” said the proud dad.

“Some are still tricky. The French and fishtail are tough for Izzy, seeing that she is 2 and likes to move around quite a bit. So the expectations were definitely exceeded.”

“It blew my mind how easy it was to do a bun. I thought it was something super special, like real intricate, especially the one where you don’t finish pulling the ponytail,” he said.

“I think the most difficult style to do is the fish tail. I keep accidentally incorporating the French into it. It’s just going to take more practice, but I’m sure I’ll get it down soon.”

“The next one I want to do, is to try and do her hair like Elsa’s,” said a forward-thinking Greg.

“Izzy has no clue about what this means. All she knows is that Daddy is doing her hair. I asked her before we went on Rachel Ray if she wanted to go to the Rachel Ray show, and she said ‘No! I want to go to the Elmo show!'” said Greg.

Greg is happy to share his expertise with other dads and moms on Facebook.

Now, Greg even offers free tutorials on his fan page “The Hair Dad”— And in June 2018, he quit his job and started partnering with businesses to conduct workshops to teach dads how to style hair in Pueblo, Colorado, USA Today reported.

Not only is Greg helping fathers to style their little princess’s hair, but he is also teaching them how to be better dads.

“It’s not about being perfect. It’s about being present. I talk about being present in your kids lives. Money comes and goes, but memories are forever,” he said.

As to what Greg loves about being a dad, he said, “The good and the not-so-good. Even the blowout diapers, the tantrums in the store, and the late night, up sick, catching-throw-up-in-your-bare-hands nights. Because it doesn’t last forever.”

“My favorite part of the day is when I wake her up and get her out of bed and she’s still sleepy, so she nuzzles her face into my neck. … That love right there, feeling that love and that trust is the most rewarding part.”

Check out this super dad in action in the video below:

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