‘This is what we need more of’

Lovely, unseasonably mild weather greeted the Shen Yun Art Performing Arts Company on the last day of their 2010 series in New York City.
‘This is what we need more of’
The curtain call at the Feb. 20 evening show. Dai Bing/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/db20.jpg" alt="The curtain call at the Feb. 20 evening show. (Dai Bing/The Epoch Times)" title="The curtain call at the Feb. 20 evening show. (Dai Bing/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1822842"/></a>
The curtain call at the Feb. 20 evening show. (Dai Bing/The Epoch Times)
NEW YORK—Lovely, unseasonably mild weather greeted the Shen Yun Art Performing Arts Touring Company on the last day of their 2010 series in New York City.

During this lunar New Year, the New York-based company performed in New York’s Radio City Music Hall, which bills itself as “the largest indoor performance stages in the world, on its website.

The audience worldwide has described the show in glowing words, and so did members of the New York audience.

“When I watch something like this, I just want to escape and go right into it. I want to transport myself to that world,” said Andres Aquino, fashion show producer, designer, photographer and writer.

He seemed to speak from the heart when he continued, “That’s what I am at that point, just observing, enjoying, and just taking it all in because it’s not so much analyzing, just enjoying what is there, to see this beauty in the way it is presented.”

The color and the multiple ways color was used impressed a media executive. “I think one of the things inspired me the most, and I am a technical guy, [was] the fact that the color was brought to the show not [only] with electronics and lighting but [predominantly] via costuming and art. I think that is terrific, absolutely terrific,” said Steve Fastook, CNBC Vice President.

“I just love the classical feeling of the culture. It’s rare to find it these days,” said folk singer and musician Tina Malia.

A journalist took a long view of the themes in the performance. “Looking back into the history of China, thousands and thousands of years. That really is long-term thinking, and people should remember that what is happening in China now is just a very, very little window of what China is about. So divine, definitely,” said Marcus Koch, German TV reporter.

Bill Armbruster, a freelance reporter, summed up the experience. He said, “This is what we need more of, all over the world and not just in China and not just here—but everywhere because we have a world with so many problems, so much hatred.”

With additional reporting by Joshua Philipp

Shen Yun will perform two shows in Norfolk, VA on Feb. 27 as well as three shows in Rochester, NY on Feb. 27 and Feb. 28.

  For more information, please visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org