SYDNEY, Australia—Saturday’s matinee performance of Shen Yun brought families of all sorts in their numbers to the Parade Theatre, Kensington.
Mrs. Ware, whose daughter had bought the tickets but was unable to make it, said her daughter would have enjoyed the performance as she was a dance teacher.
“I think it is extraordinary. We haven’t really seen anything like this—ever! It’s amazing,” said Mrs. Ware, who has always been interested in dance.
Mrs. Ware had brought her granddaughter Bethany, who, like her mother, was a dancer. Bethany said she was really enjoying Shen Yun and was surprised that the costumes were so “flowing” and also at the joy exhibited by the dancers.
“They are more colourful, bright and happy and fun,” than expected, she said.
Mrs. Ware agreed saying, “It’s a totally new picture of China because we don’t see this picture at all.
“I see a lot of happiness and beauty which I hadn’t realised, and a reverence for the past which I hadn’t thought was there,” she explained, “I thought that was gone so that was really exciting to see.”
Bethany said she thought the traditional tales portrayed in the show were good, and she particularly liked The Monkey King Triumphs.
Mrs. Ware said the traditional tales were “lovely” but admitted she didn’t know much about them.
“I don’t know anything about Chinese culture because all we have is what we have had since the revolution, so we haven’t really had very much at all,” she said.
“I think they need to keep, and I think there is a reverence for it,” she said adding that they needed to “make sure it doesn’t die out”.
Bethany’s friend, Sam, said she did not dance, but Shen Yun had inspired her to think seriously about it.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. For more information please visit