‘The soul is in harmony with the physical movements’

“I have already shed many tears, because it has been so beautiful, and I am still crying,” Ms. Muronen said.
‘The soul is in harmony with the physical movements’
The two friends, Ms. Muronen and Ms. Karnebrink, saw the Shen Yun Performing Arts show on Wednesday at Cirkus in Stockholm. Yvonne Kleberg/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/2009-03-18-l--20090318_Stockholm1_Yvonne_Muronen_Karnebrink_WEB.jpg" alt="The two friends, Ms. Muronen and Ms. Karnebrink, saw the Shen Yun Performing Arts show on Wednesday at Cirkus in Stockholm. (Yvonne Kleberg/The Epoch Times)" title="The two friends, Ms. Muronen and Ms. Karnebrink, saw the Shen Yun Performing Arts show on Wednesday at Cirkus in Stockholm. (Yvonne Kleberg/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1829433"/></a>
The two friends, Ms. Muronen and Ms. Karnebrink, saw the Shen Yun Performing Arts show on Wednesday at Cirkus in Stockholm. (Yvonne Kleberg/The Epoch Times)

STOCKHOLM, Sweden—Two lady friends came to Cirkus in Stockholm to see this year’s Swedish premier show of Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour on Wednesday, March 18. Ms. Muronen who is a dance instructor was moved to tears.

Both Ms. Muronen and her friend Ms. Karnebrink love dance and music. On Wednesday the friends enjoyed a rare kind of dance that is not normally seen in Sweden.

“I have already shed many tears because it has been so beautiful, and I am still crying,” Ms. Muronen said after the show with a tear dropping from the corner of her eye.

“One can’t create a dance without the soul being part of it, so the soul and the movements are united as one,” she said.

Ms. Karnebrink thought that the show was beautiful and meaningful.

Ms. Muronen has worked as a dance teacher for many years and also works with choreographies. “I cannot live my life without moving my legs and my body, and feel it in my heart,” she said.

Referring to the traditional values of compassion and kindness that are conveyed in the show, she said, “Excellent performance and very good and significant songs. We live in a period of time where we really need the understanding of brotherly feelings and compassion and kindness towards each other.”

The significant songs that Ms. Muronen was referring to were arias performed by three singers: a soprano, a tenor, and a baritone. One of the lyrics reads in part:

“Truth, Compassion, Tolerance brighten up vast peaks and seas”

The Chinese songs filled the entire Cirkus with harmony, and Ms. Muronen was happy, since she believes that all the senses we have are for us to use. As she says, “After the ears have had their share, the eyes want to see more of the dance.

“It is wonderful to see this show when the soul is in harmony with the physical movements, and everything almost floats above the scene. I feel now is the right time to understand what this dance actually has to say.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. For more information please visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org