Shen Yun Returns to New York

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has returned home after a successful two-and-a half-month European Tour in Europe and will end the tour back at their home coming show, in New York.
Shen Yun Returns to New York

<a><img src="" alt="HAPPY HOMECOMING: Shen Yun Performers return to New York from Europe to perform at the David H. Koch Theater in the Lincoln Center June 23 to 26. (Gary Du/The Epoch Times)" title="HAPPY HOMECOMING: Shen Yun Performers return to New York from Europe to perform at the David H. Koch Theater in the Lincoln Center June 23 to 26. (Gary Du/The Epoch Times)" width="575" class="size-medium wp-image-1804194"/></a>
HAPPY HOMECOMING: Shen Yun Performers return to New York from Europe to perform at the David H. Koch Theater in the Lincoln Center June 23 to 26. (Gary Du/The Epoch Times)

NEW YORK—New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company has returned home after a successful two-and-a half-month tour in Europe. The plane touched down at Newark Airport in New Jersey Tuesday afternoon, with a warm welcome from the large gathering of Shen Yun fans.

Among the performers are the world’s best in Chinese Classical dance. New Yorkers can enjoy their display of 5,000 years of rich Chinese cultural heritage from June 23 to 26 as they return to the David H. Koch Theater at the Lincoln Center, where they performed a week of shows in January.

From Feb. 26 to May 8, Shen Yun toured 12 countries including Germany, Italy, France, Ireland, Great Britain, and the Netherlands for a total of 52 spectacular performances. For many Europeans and New Yorkers alike, Shen Yun has become a symbol and representation of traditional Chinese culture, and become an event they look forward to each year.

In the European audience sat royalty, famous artists and actors, government officials, and leading academics.

Shen Yun orchestra conductor Mr. Yutang Chen said, “Even though the tour has been quite laborious, the dancers have been very diligent and responsible, and gave each single show their utmost degree of beauty and perfection.”

Choreographer and lead dancer Yongjia Chen said, “During the entire tour we received constant warm welcomes from the European audience, from the first stop in Frankfurt, Germany, to the last stop in Slovakia. Many European audiences broke their usual tradition of waiting until the end of the performance to applaud, and would applaud throughout the performances. For example, during Little Mischievous Monks, the audience erupted in applause seven to eight times during the programs.”

When asked about his feeling performing on stage, Chen said, “I try my best to use my heart to communicate with the audience, and use my heart to touch them.”

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit


Wei Yong
Wei Yong
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