Shen Yun ‘It’s Amazing’

“The dances are amazing. I really love the costumes and the scenery, and nature is beautiful,” Mrs. Foster said
Shen Yun ‘It’s Amazing’
ATLANTA—The final performance in Atlanta of Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center on March 10, attracted people from all walks of life.

The New York-based performing arts company presents ancient China’s artistic traditions through a display of classical Chinese dance and music.

Among those who attended were Walter Foster and his wife Svetlana.

“It’s amazing, the choreography and the artistry, very nice, excellent,” Mr. Foster said, an attorney and an officer in the United States Army.

“We don’t have a whole lot of exposure really to Chinese culture ... and this was an opportunity for us to come and learn a little more,” he added.

Mrs. Foster, who has two young daughters, was amazed that Shen Yun was not just about dancing. It was also a display of history and culture.

“The dances are amazing. I really love the costumes and the scenery, and nature is beautiful,” she said. It was all put together so well, said the mother of two.

“Excellent display of physical prowess,” Mr. Foster said.

Shen Yun dancers undertake rigorous training that enables them to perform the jumps, flips, twists, and spins that have always been a part of classical Chinese dance.

‘The show is great’

Also in the audience was Russian-born Lana Kulneva who said she used to attend dance performances in her native country.

“The show is great. It’s different from anything I ever saw,” said Ms. Kulneva, who is a student. She was especially impressed by the costumes and the dancing and added that she would like to see Shen Yun more often.

Reporting by Mimi Li, NTD Television and Diane Cordemans.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit