Sarasota Scientist Moved by the ‘Spectacular’

Aubert Coran, a retired chemist and inventor, attended the Divine Performing Arts show in Sarasota on Dec. 23. and appreciated the stories depicted during the performance.
Sarasota Scientist Moved by the ‘Spectacular’
Mr. and Mrs. Aubert Coran were moved by the DPA performances. Edward Wei/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="Mr. and Mrs. Aubert Coran were moved by the DPA performances. (Edward Wei/The Epoch Times)" title="Mr. and Mrs. Aubert Coran were moved by the DPA performances. (Edward Wei/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1832176"/></a>
Mr. and Mrs. Aubert Coran were moved by the DPA performances. (Edward Wei/The Epoch Times)
SARASOTA, Fla.—Aubert Coran, a retired chemist and inventor, attended the Divine Performing Arts show in Sarasota on Dec. 23. He pointed out that he appreciated the stories depicted during the performance.

“I like the story about the fellow who was going to warn them about the earthquake and they thought he was crazy. I thought that was an excellent piece. It was well done, it was serious and humorous all mixed together, I thought that was very good.”

He also commented on the style of movements of both male and female performers: “I think I like the most what the men were doing with a lot of jumping and tumbling and that sort of thing, was quite interesting. The acrobatics where they jump, turn in the middle, and come down on their feet.

“Also I liked very much what the women did with their hands like making flowers, and a group forming a flower. There is a lot to do with the hands that we don’t see, here in the West, and very much that had to with their positions, and very much larger groups than what we are used to seeing here on stage usually.”

“The music seems sort of Chinese and sort of Western. They use our instruments, but the dancing is very different. I like them both.”

His wife also found the performance “very exciting.”

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