Theater President Taken by Artistic Quality of DPA

DPA finished its first ever show in Rochester, N. Y. on Feb. 21 to two curtain calls and a thunderous standing ovation.
Theater President Taken by Artistic Quality of DPA
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffries at the DPA show in Rochester on Feb.21 The Epoch Times
Matthew Little
<a><img src="" alt="Mr. and Mrs. Jeffries at the DPA show in Rochester on Feb.21 (The Epoch Times)" title="Mr. and Mrs. Jeffries at the DPA show in Rochester on Feb.21 (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1830240"/></a>
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffries at the DPA show in Rochester on Feb.21 (The Epoch Times)
ROCHESTER, N.Y.—Divine Performing Arts (DPA) finished its first ever show in Rochester, N. Y. on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 21, to two curtain calls and a thunderous standing ovation.

Mr. Jeffries is the president a $15 million organization that owns and operates the one of Rochester’s classic theaters and brings Broadway shows to northwestern New York. His business also operates an outdoor performing arts center and puts on a PGA Tour event.

His businesses attract a half million people every year.

Though his business kept him from seeing the entire show, he was very impressed by what he saw.

“It was excellent—the costumes, the dancing. It was a culturally different experience. I loved it. I thought it was great. I see a lot of shows, but this one was unique, it was different, and very professionally done.

“It was different. We do a lot of Broadway things, we do a lot of soul, and we do a lot of concerts and stuff. It was much different, but it was just excellent, it was different but very good.”

Mr. Jeffries’s wife caught the entire show and was thrilled with what she saw.

“I loved it, it was fantastic,” said Mrs. Jeffries who had a hard time choosing one of the dance pieces above the others.

When asked why she liked it so much, she said it was the traditional Chinese cultural elements of the show: “The different stories and the history. It was excellent. I have never been exposed to any of that before—it was great.”

Mrs. Jeffries said she “loved” the shows East-meets-West symphony orchestra. The DPA orchestra begins with a classical Western orchestra as its foundation and augments this with traditional Chinese instruments.

Divine Performing Arts will perform one more show in Rochester Saturday night before continuing on with its 2009 World Tour.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Divine Performing Arts.
For more information please visit
Matthew Little
Matthew Little
Matthew Little is a senior editor with Epoch Health.
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