Retail Worker Praised for Calming Autistic Child in a ‘Meltdown’

A retail employee is being praised after she helped calm down the children of one of her customers who was having a autistic panic attack at the store.
Retail Worker Praised for Calming Autistic Child in a ‘Meltdown’
Jonathan Zhou

A retail employee is being praised after she helped calm down the children of one of her customers who was having a autistic panic attack at the store. 

Both of Amanda Wilkin’s children are registered blind and deaf, so trips to the store can be difficult. 

When Wilkin’s daughter started breaking down at Morrisons, the cashier let the little girl get behind the register and scan items to distract her. 

“A dream come true for Holly who loves playing ’shops’. It melts my heart to come across people that are prepared to go the extra mile, and little acts of kindness makes a massive difference to my world,” Wilkins wrote on Facebook. “Little acts of kindness makes a massive difference to my world.”

(Amanda Wilkins/Facebook)
(Amanda Wilkins/Facebook)

The post went viral on Facebook, having been shared over 50,000 times, and the employee’s manager at the store was notified. 

The employee, identified as Lin, will be added to the store’s “Wall of Fame.” 

“Lin is a great role model for all of us here at Morrisons,” A spokesperson at Morrisons said, according to the Metro. 

Jonathan Zhou is a tech reporter who has written about drones, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.
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