Sheet vinyl flooring is truly beautiful and durable when installed properly with high-grade materials. It is used in many commercial buildings that take quite a severe daily beating. You might even consider a more expensive commercial-grade material for your kitchen. Proper care, primarily regular cleaning, is also important for longevity.
First, when selecting your flooring installer, make sure to inspect some floors they installed more than one year ago. The installer should also have attended an installation class by the manufacturer of the flooring materials that will be used. Each manufacturer’s products have unique installation procedures.
As for the installation and product choices, there are multiple things to consider. For starters, the floor underlayment is important for a stable base since the sheet vinyl material itself has very little strength. If cheap underlayment such as low-quality plywood is used, it may result in spongy spots where there are voids between the layers. This will feel strange to walk on, and the vinyl will wear or crack prematurely.
Fully sanded birch or poplar plywood with exterior glue is an excellent underlayment choice for vinyl flooring. The top surface must be free of inks and stains that can leach into the vinyl material and cause discoloration over time.
If you are planning to resurface the existing underlayment, make sure to remove all the old adhesive. Old adhesives, even tiny amounts, can react with the new adhesives, resulting in discoloration.
The cracks that you saw in your vinyl floor might have actually been seams that opened up. The process of joining adjacent pieces of vinyl takes a lot of skill and training, so, again, the experience of the installer is critical. Poor underlayment can also cause the seams to open.
Before making your decision on sheet vinyl flooring or selecting your installer, it would be wise to do a little research first. Armstrong World Industries has several excellent free publications on sheet vinyl flooring.
Once you have your vinyl floor installed, proper care and maintenance can keep it looking like new for many years. Regular vacuuming and wet mopping (at least twice a week) will go a long way to maintaining its gloss. Any spills, especially acidic dark fruit juices, should be cleaned with mild soap and water, not just wiped up with a damp paper towel.
Some things that you might not think of can discolor the vinyl over time. Just a slight film of tar on the soles of your shoes from an asphalt driveway may cause some discoloration. The same is true of oil from your garage floor. If possible, take off your shoes when entering from a garage. This is actually a good idea for any kitchen flooring material.
A slight amount of discoloration in certain areas is unavoidable. For example, excess heat from floor registers can cause a slight brownish color immediately around the registers. The sun’s rays from a south-facing window will take its toll on vinyl just like it does on every other material, including our skin. Close the shades or curtains.
Most likely, with proper planning and maintenance, you will experience no problems with your floor. To be safe, though, especially during the first year, keep an eye out for any discoloration, cracking, spongy spots, or dullness. In most cases, it will be the installer’s responsibility to make any repairs.