Repair Damaged Plaster

Repair Damaged Plaster
After the repair and the loose plaster is secure, it's a cover up job. Gene Hamilton/TNS

Plaster walls and ceilings are found in many older homes; and all too often, they’re marred with holes and cracks. Over time a plaster ceiling often sags, another problem. To repair damaged plaster walls with a hodgepodge of cracks or a ceiling that sags we’ve used a specific process.

First, secure the loose plaster to the lath behind it using plaster washers, small metal discs fastened with 4-inch drywall screws. Often called ceiling buttons, these quarter-sized discs are very inexpensive and sold at specialty hardware stores and online. Just type “plaster washers’' in a search engine, and you’ll find several online sources where you can order them. We’ve found them sold in large quantities at the big boxes for contractors; an online source is better for a homeowner who needs far less of them.

After the repair and the loose plaster is secure, it’s a cover up job. Install 3/8-inch wallboard over the repair work and finish the new surface with tape and compound, and then sand it smooth. The series of steps to completion make this a good one for a homeowner who can work in short sprints. It’s not a dream job for a contractor, who has to schedule several return trips.

To complete the job for a ceiling in a 15-foot-by-20-foot room, a drywall contractor will charge $845, which includes the labor and material. A homeowner can do the job for $125, the cost of the repair material and wallboard, and pocket an 85% savings. This is a good job for a budding do-it-yourselfer because the tools and material are low in cost and the repetitive skill is learned on the job.

To find more DIY project costs and to post comments and questions, visit and on smartphones.

Pro Cost — DIY Cost — Pro time — DIY Time — DIY Savings — Percent Saved

$845 — $125 — 19.8 — 25.0 — 720 — 85%

Gene and Katie Hamilton
Gene and Katie Hamilton
©2022 Gene and Katie Hamilton. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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