My treasured piece of family memorabilia is a pocket watch from my great-great-great-grandfather from the mid-1800s. Made in England. You wind and set it with a key. Still works today.

We have a family tradition. During the year, when someone does something nice for us or something good happens, we write it on a little piece of paper with the date and the time and a description of the incident and we put it in a decorated Mason jar that we call the blessing jar.
During the year, those blessings add up, and on New Year’s Eve we empty the blessing jar on the table and we read the blessings that we’ve had during the year and the people who have touched our lives.
We give thanks for those blessings. It is a nice way to count your blessings at the end of the year. We keep those jars for years and sometimes go back through them to remember the blessings of years past. Sometimes we tell people that we put them in our blessing jar and they seem to be very pleased. It is a nice tradition.