Qantas Representative finds Shen Yun ‘Absolutely fascinating’

“It [Shen Yun] exceeded my expectations, absolutely,” Andrew Rattle said.
Qantas Representative finds Shen Yun ‘Absolutely fascinating’
Qantas representative, Andrew Rattle (2nd R) with Kim Blickling and friends at the majestic Capitol Theatre on Tuesday, Feb. 8. Shar Adams/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="Qantas representative, Andrew Rattle (2nd R) with Kim Blickling and friends at the majestic Capitol Theatre on Tuesday, Feb. 8. (Shar Adams/The Epoch Times)" title="Qantas representative, Andrew Rattle (2nd R) with Kim Blickling and friends at the majestic Capitol Theatre on Tuesday, Feb. 8. (Shar Adams/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1808647"/></a>
Qantas representative, Andrew Rattle (2nd R) with Kim Blickling and friends at the majestic Capitol Theatre on Tuesday, Feb. 8. (Shar Adams/The Epoch Times)
SYDNEY—Qantas representative, Andrew Rattle, was amongst the VIP guests at the Australian premiere of Shen Yun Performing Arts’ 2011 World Tour at the majestic Capitol Theatre on Tuesday, Feb. 8.

He was full of praise for the New York-based Shen Yun, describing the performance as “absolutely fascinating.”

As part of his job as regional manager for Qantas, he said he had a lot of colleagues from Asia and thought that he had some idea of what Shen Yun would be like.

He was more than pleasantly surprised.

“It [Shen Yun] exceeded my expectations, absolutely,” he said. “ I love the colours, their different styles, each story was quite educating and stimulating to the eye.”

Mr. Rattle noted how much he had learned about traditional Chinese culture in watching the show, commending the company for its ability to transport him into a world he had not experienced before.

“It makes me think about it ... it makes me want to research that a little bit more, even just looking at the landscape and the way it was staged and the backdrops ... I guess with today’s technology it can bring a lot of theatre to life,” he said. “Quite fascinating to watch it.”

Mr. Rattle said the Shen Yun music, which is known for its combination of Eastern and Western instruments, had made him feel peaceful and relaxed.

“It actually makes you think a little bit and makes you concentrate more on what’s happening on stage. It’s not distracting by any means,” he said. “I feel like I’m the only person in the theatre.”

Combining ancient myths with the sorts of struggles Chinese people have today had fascinated Mr. Rattle, he confessed.

“It gives more of an interesting perspective—fast tracks history, I guess you can say.”

He said he would tell his friends to come and see Shen Yun, describing the performance as, “visually stimulating, educating, relaxing, [and] entertaining.”

Kim Blickling was also in the audience and enjoyed the show, saying the experience had been the “most amazing, colourful performance.”

She said she would tell her friends about Shen Yun, saying to them “it is worthwhile, expand your horizons, come along and join.”

Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company will present performances in Sydney, Australia, at the Capitol Theatre through to Feb. 23. For more information, visit