NEW YORK—There’s something to look forward to on Mondays now. For the next few weeks, you can pre-order cronuts to avoid the notorious line that begins at ungodly hours outside Dominique Ansel’s bakery.
Pre-orders are taken once a week on Monday’s at 11 a.m EST (by phone or web). The web option was mostly created for out-of-town customers so they don’t have to raise their phone bill calling in, a member of the cronut press team told Epoch Times.
One can order for any day for the entire following week. The maximum number of cronuts a person can pre-order at a time is six. Cronuts cost $5 each.
The number to call is 212.219.2773; you can also order online at
Print your receipt and bring it to the shop to pick up your cronut.
For large orders (over 50), email the shop at [email protected].
Dominique Ansel Bakery
189 Spring St., New York