Popular Money Advice You Shouldn’t Take

Some bad money advice sounds good until you think it through.
Popular Money Advice You Shouldn’t Take
Not every piece of financial advice is good. fizkes/Shutterstock

Money advice—it’s available everywhere. But that doesn’t mean you should take it. The wise person knows how to separate the good from the bad. Here are a few timely examples:

Bad advice: Do not save money for yourself until you have paid off your credit cards. Direct every cent you can scrape together to pay down your credit card debt as quickly as possible. It’s not smart to earn 0.5 percent interest on money you save while you are paying 20 percent or more on your credit card debt.

Good advice: That bad advice sounds great, but let’s get real. If you do not have an emergency fund, what will you do next month when your car breaks down, or next summer when you lose your job? You will run back to your credit cards for a bailout. Unless you are aggressively building an emergency fund, you never will get out of debt because unexpected expenses always come up. Instead, you should pull back to making only minimum payments so you can start saving money now. You need to stash all the cash you can, to be used only in a dire emergency. Once you have that fund in place, you will be ready to tackle your credit card debt with a vengeance!

Bad advice: Purchase whole life insurance for children. The cash value will pay for college. It guarantees insurability should that child develop a health issue later that would make them uninsurable, and it will pay for the child’s funeral if that becomes necessary.

Good advice: The only purpose for life insurance is to replace income for dependents who would become financially destitute if the breadwinner were to die. If you want to save for college, life insurance is not the way to do that. Instead, set up a 529 savings plan or another type of savings or investment vehicle. If you are concerned about a funeral (statistically, the chances of a child dying are very small), create a funeral account. As for the insurability issue, chances that your child will become uninsurable for health issues are very slim. Unless you have money to burn, buying life insurance on non-wage-earning individuals who have no dependents is a terrible waste of money.

Bad advice: Do not pay off your mortgage, because you would lose a valuable tax deduction. Mortgage interest on your principal residence is a deductible expense on your federal tax return. Even if you can pay off your mortgage, don’t do it. If you don’t have a mortgage, get one so you can claim this tax advantage.

Good advice: Deductibility is not a wonderful thing. It’s a “consolation prize” to ease the pain of having to pay interest. If you pay $12,000 a year in mortgage interest and you are in the 22 percent tax bracket, you get to deduct $12,000 from your gross reportable income. That means a tax savings of $2,640 ($12,000 x 22 percent equals $2,640). You pay $12,000 to get back $2,640. Does that sound great to you? If so, I‘ll give you a better offer. Send me $12,000, and I’ll double it and give you back $5,280. Deal?

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Mary Hunt
Mary Hunt
Mary invites you to visit her at EverydayCheapskate.com, where this column is archived complete with links and resources for all recommended products and services. Mary invites questions and comments at https://www.everydaycheapskate.com/contact/, “Ask Mary.” This column will answer questions of general interest, but letters cannot be answered individually. Mary Hunt is the founder of EverydayCheapskate.com, a frugal living blog, and the author of the book “Debt-Proof Living.” COPYRIGHT 2022 CREATORS.COM
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