Police Officer Mouths ‘I Love You’ to Wife After Being Shot in the Head

Police Officer Mouths ‘I Love You’ to Wife After Being Shot in the Head
Police officer Matt Cooper, who was shot in the head by a shoplifting suspect at a local Walmart in Covington, Georgia, on Sept. 3, 2018, was recently released from the rehab to be home for holidays. (Facebook | Matt Cooper)

A Covington, Georgia, officer is now fighting for his life after being shot in the head by a shoplifting suspect at one of the city’s local Walmarts. And now, three months later, that officer is finally coming home—just in time for Christmas!

On September 3, 2018, Officer Matt Cooper arrived on the scene of what should’ve been a routine shoplifting call, but it quickly turned deadly as, according to FOX10, the suspect shot 34-year-old Cooper in the head.

Now, the Iraq and Afghanistan veteran is fighting for his life.

The following day, doctors transferred Cooper to Grady Memorial Hospital, where he mouthed “I love you” to his wife. “The nurse asked him, ‘did you just tell her I love you?’” the Covington Police Department wrote on Facebook. “And he nodded yes.”

Cooper made it clear to everyone in that room that he had no intention of giving up. The father of two, in his delirious state, knew he still had a lot of living to do.

Doctors performed surgery on Cooper to reduce swelling in his brain, and FOX5 reports he is now undergoing therapy at Shepherd Center’s Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program.

After the tragic event, the community’s outpouring of support touched Stacy Cotton, Covington’s police chief, deeply.

“The community’s support and outreach for this police officer and this department show me that the public loves and cares for law enforcement,” Cotton said while fighting back tears. “That they know, it’s a tough job, and we’re not always treated fairly. A man got up to go to work today. The only thing he did was go to work – just like each and every one of y'all do – get up and go to work. And he was seriously and critically injured for doing his job.”

To show how much they appreciate Officer Cooper’s actions, Walmart donated $10,000 to his family in the hopes it would allow him to make a speedy recovery.

It appears all the love and support was well received, as the Shepherd Center’s staff report they are “pleased with his progress.” Get well soon, Officer Cooper!

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