Upon seceding from Britain, her thirteen former colonies immediately began to lay the foundations of an independent humanities tradition.
One could argue, of course, that the process of creating a uniquely “American” literature was already well underway long before the Revolution even began—with William Bradford’s “History of Plymouth Plantation,” for example, or the poetry of New Englanders Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor, or the religious writings of Cotton Mather, or Roger Williams’s musings on liberty. More recently, one could single out Franklin’s “Autobiography” (and other writings), Tom Paine’s philosophical tracts, or Jefferson’s political ones. The Revolution itself had given birth to distinctly American songs, from “Yankee Doodle” to “The Ballad of Nathan Hale” and “The Battle of the Kegs.”
Auspicious Heaven shall fill with fav'ring Gales,

Come you, Phillis, now aspire,
And seek the living God,
So step by step thou mayst go higher,
I sing the Mariner who first unfurl’d
An eastern banner o’er the western world,
And taught mankind where future empires lay
Farmer’s Almanack
In 1793, bookbinder and schoolmaster Robert Bailey Thomas published “The Farmer’s Almanack,” selling a hundred thousand copies each off-season; new issues are still published annually even today! The Almanack included calendars, astronomical charts, clever advice, funny stories, proverbs, and metaphorical fables, among other items.Painters like Charles Wilson Peale and John Trumbull added another layer to America’s budding humanities tradition. Many of the Revolution’s leading figures stood for Peale’s portraits, and his self-portrait shows him mysteriously lifting a gold-trimmed red curtain to America’s first natural history museum (which he founded). Trumbull’s paintings include such well-known works as “The Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker’s Hill,” “The Declaration of Independence” (certainly that event’s most famous portrayal), “Surrender of Lord Cornwallis,” and the best-known portrait of Alexander Hamilton currently extant.

American Textbooks Replace the British
The cannons of the Revolution had barely ceased firing before the old British texts began to be replaced by American ones in schools and home libraries. Yale graduate (and classmate to Barlow) Noah Webster published a best-selling spelling book in 1783, a grammar in 1784, and a reader in 1785, hoping to aid American schoolchildren in learning American English, as opposed to what he considered the haughtily-aristocratic-sounding British variety. Webster’s “Speller,” far and away the best-selling American book of the late 18th and early 19th century, went through a staggering 385 editions during his lifetime alone, and paved the way for the American spelling bee tradition.Dubbed the “Schoolmaster of the Republic,” in 1806 Webster published his first dictionary, producing a more complete version in 1825 and publishing it in 1828; together with his spelling-books, the “American Dictionary” effectively established American spelling rules—including many that differed somewhat from their British counterparts. The very language of the new America had thus been standardized as independent of the old mother country.
To every Realm her Portals open'd wide,
Receives from each the full commercial Tide.
Each Art and Science now with rising Charms
Th' expanding Heart with Emulation warms.