Plumber: Looking for a Water-Efficient Rain-Style Showerhead

Plumber: Looking for a Water-Efficient Rain-Style Showerhead
Saving water in the shower is a hot topic, not only for the water-saving aspects, but for saving energy as well. (Kohler/TNS)
Tribune News Service

By Ed Del Grande From Tribune News Service

Q: Ed: Read your column on hot water recirculating systems for saving water and getting faster hot water to the shower. I’m looking into that and also want to install overhead-style showerheads. Do they make water-efficient rain heads?

— Ty, Tennessee

A: Saving water in the shower is a hot topic, not only for the water-saving aspects, but for saving energy as well. So it can be a two-for-one deal if you install new high-efficiency showerheads.

When it comes to installing water-saving rain showerheads, using less water was looked at as possibly compromising the rainlike experience. But in recent years I’ve worked with two new technologies that can provide an overhead rain feel along with water efficiency.

The first is gravity-fed, and it’s basically a flush shower panel fixture installed in the ceiling of the shower stall. For the most part, water drizzles out of multiple nozzles while it fills a built-in reservoir with water. Once the reservoir is filled, just push a button and enjoy the burst of rain.

The second type is a traditional-looking rain head on the outside, but on the inside, air is introduced and mixed into the water flow. The final result can give you larger and softer feeling raindrops without pouring away extra water.

Master Contractor/Plumber Ed Del Grande is known internationally as the author of the book “Ed Del Grande’s House Call,” the host of TV and Internet shows, and a LEED green associate. Visit or write [email protected]. Always consult local contractors and codes.

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