Plant a Christmas Tree

Plant a Christmas Tree
Depending on where you live, it might involve digging the hole for the tree before the ground freezes. Gene Hamilton/TNS

A living Christmas tree is one that’s balled or burlapped and ready for planting. It’s a tree you can decorate and display for the holidays and then plant and watch it grow for years to come as part of your landscape. The challenge is timing and keeping the tree alive long enough before being moved outside for planting.

Climate and soil conditions vary around the country, so you’ll get your best advice about a suitable variety of tree from a local nursery. When you’ve made your selection, measure the size of the root ball and ask for advice about what size hole to dig. Depending on where you live, it might involve digging the hole for the tree before the ground freezes. Plan to protect the hole from heavy rain or snow with a tarp by filling it with leaves or mulch.

Store the tree in an unheated garage to keep the soil moist, and mist the needles every day so they don’t dry out. A few days before Christmas bring the tree inside and set it in a sturdy container near a window; keep it far from heating ducts or a fireplace. Keep the root-ball moist and use cool lights and lightweight ornaments for decoration.

A nursery will charge $254 to deliver and then return to plant a 6- to 8-foot white pine tree with a protection of mulch. If you have a vehicle large enough to transport the tree and its heavy root ball, you can buy the tree and mulch for $95 and save 63%. If you plant it yourself, firm the soil around the root ball to eliminate air pockets, water it, and protect the soil around the tree with mulch.

To find more DIY project costs and to post comments and questions, visit and on smartphones.

Pro Cost — DIY Cost — Pro time — DIY Time — DIY Savings — Percent Saved

$254 — $95 — 5.1 — 4.0 — $159 — 63%

Gene and Katie Hamilton
Gene and Katie Hamilton
©2022 Gene and Katie Hamilton. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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