Pit bull saved from dog fighting ring to join Virginia Police Department

Pit bull saved from dog fighting ring to join Virginia Police Department
Michael Wing

Dallas is a 3-year-old pit bull that was recently rescued from a dog fighting ring in Canada. Despite the rough start in life, though, Dallas’s future looks bright. He will soon graduate to become a sniffer dog for the town of Honaker Police Department in Virginia.

The rescued pit bull was found along with 30 other pit bulls chained to metal stakes. More evidence of fighting was also found on the property: muzzles, breaking sticks, steroids, and schedules. An investigator also noted “severe scarring consistent with dog fighting,” according to the Globe and Mail.

After the discovery, a legal battle ensued, and 18 of the dogs were taken from the owner to be rehabilitated; meanwhile, two had died in custody, and one was deemed dangerous and euthanized. Dog rescue group Dog Tales was instrumental in helping to save the dogs, pledging to sponsor their care and transportation out of Ontario.
Particularly because of Dallas’s friendly personality and desire for human praise, he was an excellent candidate for becoming a police dog, said Jen Deane, founder of Florida dog rescue group Pit Sisters.

Currently with Pennsylvania non-profit Throw Away Dogs Project, Dallas is under the care of head trainer Bruce Myers and is expected to complete his 6-week training---learning to sniff out cocaine and other narcotics---next month before officially joining the force.

“He will save many lives,” said Myers. “If he helps take one brick of heroin off the street, that can save 1,000 people. And he will be incredibly proficient by the time he leaves here.”

Dallas will become the town of Honaker’s first K-9 officer. Previously, the department had been unable to afford the $10,000 price tag, according to Honaker Police Chief Brandon Cassell. Thanks to Dogs Tales, though, the training costs were covered and Dallas was donated to the Virginia police department.

In the meantime, the Honaker police are getting ready to welcome their new four-legged officer. Dallas will have his own badge, uniform, and a new partner: former K-9 officer Cody Rowe, whom Dallas will work with and live with.

“I worked with a lot of German shepherds, but I remember many handlers worked with pit bulls,” said Rowe. “They are incredible police dogs. … It’s amazing to watch them work.”

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This pit bull has been smiling since the day he was rescued. Just look at his cute wide grin!

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