This seriously in-shape falcon looks like he’s been spending his days off hanging around the weight rack at the gym all thanks to a well-timed photograph taken by nature photographer Srinivas at Osman Sagar Lake in Hyderabad, India.
In a set of photographs, the large-sized falcon first glances over at the camera; and although the bird’s spectacular silhouette is certainly majestic and inspiring, there’s nothing strange or unusual about it. Then, the falcon made a surprising move.

The second picture was altogether unexpected and quite remarkable. As if posing for a muscle mag, the falcon turns toward the 32-year-old photographer and puffs up his breast, wings, and feathers—giving the fowl a bulging Hulk-like countenance, surely enough to scare off any would-be scavenger on land attempting to snatch and run off with the bird’s catch.
Srinivas, who works as a chef and lecturer when he’s not out in the wilderness with his camera, was delighted by the images he managed to snag of the impressive bird of prey.

“I have been observing peregrine falcons for this past month. On a daily basis, we saw it hunting Parakeets and pigeons which is what you can see in these pictures,” he said. “My favorite picture is the one where the falcon looks like ‘Hulk.’ This pose that I managed to capture looks like the posture of ‘Hulk.’
“It was a fantastic sighting and it will be very memorable.”