Patron of the Arts: Shen Yun ‘Touched my curiosity nerve’

“The artists succeeded in throwing light on something I knew nothing about. They touched my curiosity nerve,” Dr. Dusek said.
Patron of the Arts: Shen Yun ‘Touched my curiosity nerve’
Epoch Times Staff
VIENNA—Dr. Peter Dusek, former president of the Friends of the Wiener Staatsoper (Vienna State Opera) and Patron of the Arts attended the Shen Yun Performing Arts show at the Wiener Stadthalle, May 1.

Dr. Dusek is no novice when it comes to Chinese performances, but he was totally floored by the New York-based Shen Yun presentation of classical Chinese dance and music.

“The artists succeeded in throwing light on something I knew nothing about. They touched my curiosity nerve,” Dr. Dusek said.

Shen Yun portrays China’s 5,000-year-old divinely-bestowed culture told in stories old and new, by stunningly costumed artists, choreographed to match animated backdrops, and a full orchestral ensemble playing a fusion of Eastern and Western instruments.

As a historian, Dr. Dusek said the show “conveys something philosophical and represents a certain mind set. It wasn’t just aesthetic,” he said.

“It wasn’t just beautiful movements and unfamiliar music, but also something that one wants to reflect upon and ask oneself, ‘what was the message? What is it that keeps this culture so lively? Why does it provoke one into thinking beyond what one has seen? What is it that tells of the future?’”

As if to confirm his quest for the answers, Dr. Dusek said, “I’m going home now and will read up on all that I have seen tonight ... But, I’m already looking forward to next year’s show.”

And as he was leaving, the Dr. Dusek thought deeply about himself and threw open his thoughts: “I’m being exposed to a global belief that transforms even myself who is immersed in the occidental tradition.”

Reporting by Florian Godovits and Heide B. Malhotra.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts will continue to Bratislava, Slovakia for two shows on May 7-8. For more information, visit