Parents Make Surprising Discovery After Toddler Complains of Hearing ‘Monsters’ From Her Bedroom Walls

Parents Make Surprising Discovery After Toddler Complains of Hearing ‘Monsters’ From Her Bedroom Walls
(Courtesy of Ashley Class)
Tyler Wilson

After a 3-year-old from North Carolina complained for months about hearing “monsters” from her bedroom walls, her parents made a surprising discovery.

In September 2023, Saylor Class pointed toward her closet and told her parents, Ashley and Chris Class, that were “monsters” inside.

Saylor pointing at the wall insisting there were "monsters." (Courtesy of Ashley Class)
Saylor pointing at the wall insisting there were "monsters." (Courtesy of Ashley Class)

At first, the parents thought this idea stemmed from Saylor’s overactive imagination since she had been watching her favorite movie, “Monsters, Inc.,” at the time.

“My husband would joke and try to fight the monster in the closet and say, ‘I got him. Don’t worry about it,’” Mrs. Class told the Epoch Times.

As the months went by, the toddler became increasingly adamant.

During this time, Mrs. Class was pregnant with her third child and shrugged off Taylor’s persistence as typical toddler behavior.

But as time passed by, Saylor refused to sleep in her room and was very cuddly with her parents. Seeing this, her parents decided to sleep in her bedroom but didn’t hear or see anything.

As fall turned to winter, Saylor’s complaints about the “monsters” died down.

However, after her brother was born in mid-February, Saylor became concerned about what was going on in her room and again began to refuse to sleep there.

“We even gave her what we call ’monster spray,' which was a bottle of water to spray off on the monster,” Mrs. Class said. “Nothing was working.”

Discovering the Problem

In early April, Mrs. Class was cleaning the outside of their house when she saw something peculiar.

“I started to notice a couple of bees come in and out of an attic set,” she said.

Mrs. Class first noticed the bees coming out of the attic. (Courtesy of Ashley Class)
Mrs. Class first noticed the bees coming out of the attic. (Courtesy of Ashley Class)

After reaching out to a pest control company about the problem, the family was advised to contact a beekeeper to help them figure out what was going on.

However, finding a beekeeper during swarm season was a challenging task. The couple approached eight different beekeepers before finally finding one who could visit their home.

(Courtesy of Ashley Class)
(Courtesy of Ashley Class)

When the beekeeper arrived, he went up to the attic to check if the bees were originating from that space. Once inside, the beekeeper noticed some bees coming out from between the floorboards.

He asked the couple what was underneath, and they revealed that it was Saylor’s bedroom.

As the beekeeper went down and ran the thermal camera over the ceiling, he didn’t detect any activity. But then he turned the thermal camera to the wall.

“I kid you not, it just glowed,“ Mrs. Class said. ”It was so eerie.

“I was a little dumbfounded. To me, I thought it was a man at first. And so I was like, what is behind that wall?”

(Courtesy of Ashley Class)
(Courtesy of Ashley Class)

The beekeeper revealed this was the largest hive he'd ever seen.

Soon, everything became clear. The wall was around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, so Saylor could feel the warmth and hear the bees buzzing at night. The parents then realized that when they'd slept in her room, there was a noise machine. And in the winter months, while the bees don’t go dormant, they are a lot quieter.

As the beekeeper opened up the wall, the swarm of bees flew out toward the light.

Mr. and Mrs. Class with one of their kids. (Courtesy of Ashley Class)
Mr. and Mrs. Class with one of their kids. (Courtesy of Ashley Class)

“It was like a horror movie,” said Mrs. Class, adding that she was grateful Saylor wasn’t there when the beekeeper first arrived as the sight may have frightened the toddler.

Soon after, the parents had to pick up Saylor from school and were wondering how they would explain to her that she'd been right.

Upon being introduced to the beekeeper, Saylor insisted that he was a “monster hunter.”

The beekeeper rolled with it and said: “I’m going to call myself a monster hunter from now on.”

Mrs. Class said that Saylor now tells her friends about the time she met a monster hunter.

(Courtesy of Ashley Class)
(Courtesy of Ashley Class)

Getting Rid of the Bees and Fixing the House

The family discovered that more than 50,000 bees had been living in their house with them.

The beekeeper made sure to transport the bees carefully, carrying them in boxes with mesh walls. To get them into the boxes, he used a special vacuum that softly sucked them in without injuring them.

(Courtesy of Ashley Class)
(Courtesy of Ashley Class)

While Saylor’s room is getting fixed, she has to share with her sister.

However, the incident has amounted to $20,000 worth of damage that the couple’s insurance doesn’t cover. One hundred pounds of honeycomb has been removed from the walls, and honey has dripped on the electrical wiring inside the wall and corroded it, so the family has had to get new wiring installed.

Coming Full Circle

After the incident, the Class family recalled that Saylor’s first birthday theme revolved around bees with shirts, a honeycomb cake, and more.

Two years later, Mrs. Class said: “This girl gets internet famous for being the bee girl.”

(Courtesy of Ashley Class)
(Courtesy of Ashley Class)

Mrs. Class said she’s grateful that she and her husband listened and validated their daughter’s concerns. Since the incident, she has been encouraging parents to listen to their children’s cues.

“Follow your gut reaction as a parent,” she said. “If your child is very adamant, and they’re concerned about something, listen.

“If it was just imagination, it would have gone away and faded with time but, because it became more and more heightened, that’s when we knew that there was something important to look into.”

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Tyler lives and scrambles among the mountains of Utah with his wife and 3 children. He has taught history and literature in public and private school settings. He currently teaches at a private school and homeschools his children with his wife. He writes news and human interest stories
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