Seven Reasons Why Panama Should Be Your Next Vacation Destination

There are at least seven reasons why to make Panama your destination of choice for this year’s vacation.
Seven Reasons Why Panama Should Be Your Next Vacation Destination
TROPICAL GETAWAY: Panama boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in Central America and most of them are accessible for very little cost. Michael Feltz/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="TROPICAL GETAWAY: Panama boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in Central America and most of them are accessible for very little cost.  (Michael Feltz/The Epoch Times)" title="TROPICAL GETAWAY: Panama boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in Central America and most of them are accessible for very little cost.  (Michael Feltz/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1829932"/></a>
TROPICAL GETAWAY: Panama boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in Central America and most of them are accessible for very little cost.  (Michael Feltz/The Epoch Times)
As the recession intensifies, it is likely that stress levels within individuals and families are likely to follow suit. For those readers out there who are in a position to detract from all of the hustle and bustle of the rat race and spend some well-deserved time on vacation, I have a recommended destination for you that promises not to break your budget: Panama.

Here are seven reasons why to make Panama your destination of choice for this year’s vacation:

7. The dollar is still good there; If you are coming from the United States, you would be pleased to know that in Panama, the dollar is accepted as the standard form of currency, leaving you free to roam the country without ever having to visit a currency exchange counter.

6. You can get a short-term tourist Visa card for about $5; As long as you have a current passport, that $5 visa will be your only entry fee.

5. Transportation is cheap. I paid under $300 for roundtrip airfare from Boston with a one-stop connection. What’s more is that once you’ve arrived, an average cab ride is between $5-$10 depending on the distance, and you can travel from one end of the country to the other by bus for under $20

4. The locals are very friendly to Americans and are warm and hospitable towards their visitors.

3. There’s lots of fresh fruit year round and if you are anything like me, the humidity will curb your appetite. You can make a week’s worth of breakfast on the delicious fruit alone that would cost you merely the change you have collected in your piggy bank. Other meals like lunches and dinners are also very inexpensive, compared to what we have here in the states.

2. The culture is very rich and the country can provide any tourist a variety of activities and new experiences that will build lasting memories for years to come. The Panama Canal, in and of itself, is something to revel in. The man made structure sees about 5% of the entire world’s trade pass through its locks. The lock system, by the way, was born out of a concept from Leonardo Da Vinci’s sketches & writings and can raise a several thousand ton ship by over 20 metres in a matter of minutes.

1. The old adage, “The Best Things in Life Are Free” is true and Panama boasts lots of them. From lush vegitative jungles and cool misty mountain villages, to sandy white beaches and crystal blue waters, Panama has a lot to offer to any traveler looking for a new adventure.

There is nothing like a good vacation to ease some of the stress from the day to day cycle of working life, but with the economic conditions as they are, scraping together some extra cash for a vacation may not be the easiest thing to do. If you are among those who can afford a little extra money this year to treat yourself to a worthwhile excursion, take my advice and make it to Panama. There’s so much to offer there, and you could easily spend a week for two within a thousand dollar budget. Here’s to safe and frugal travels!