On Mother’s Day Make It All About Her

On Mother’s Day Make It All About Her

What a lovely time of year for daughters to gift their mothers for the greatest gift of all—their birth! Unfortunately, my mother died when I was in my mid-twenties so I didn’t have time to give her expensive, elaborate gifts. I do remember giving her one - it was a beautiful pin that I now wear, love, and treasure.

I think it’s nice to give Mom a gift that both of you can share. If you’re the same size and depending on her style, that gives you a lot of choices. If you’re already thinking, “I wouldn’t dream of wearing her clothes,” then here are some other ideas for gifts you can share.

How about springing for tickets to a Broadway show or concert and lunch or dinner? Or what about a mother-and-daughter day of pampering? Go to a Day Spa for facials, massages, manicures and pedicures. You could both go to her favorite hairdresser or, if you’ve been trying to get her to “up” her style, this is the perfect opportunity. Take her to a new hairdresser for a new styling.

What about a mother-and-daughter day of pampering?

Of course, perfume is always a good choice. Is there a woman who doesn’t wear perfume? But make sure you know what she really likes. If she’s stuck in a rut with the same perfume she’s worn forever, why not give her something new?

One of my friends once gave what her mother considered the best gift of all. Her mother lived in a big house and had a full-time job and was always complaining she didn’t have the time to clean the house properly. My friend hired a cleaning service to clean the house from top to bottom. Her mother said it was the best gift she could have given her.

If you and your mother both enjoy cooking, there are places where you can buy group cooking lessons and then enjoy the fruits of your labor. If you have friends who'd like to join you, you can make up your own group of mothers and daughters.

If your mother is interested in taking lessons in something, pay for the lessons. You might even join her in learning how to knit or about the lifestyle of the Amazonian Indians, if that’s her interest.

I think with our busy lifestyles, what your mother would most enjoy is the gift of your company; mother and daughter, or mother and son for that matter, doing something together.

Miriam Silverberg is a freelance journalist and owner of Miriam Silverberg Associates, a boutique publicity firm in Manhattan. She can be reached at [email protected]

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