‘No Outfit Makes Me a Cat’: Mom in Cat Get-Up Protests Drag-Wearing School Board Member, Threatens to Sue

‘No Outfit Makes Me a Cat’: Mom in Cat Get-Up Protests Drag-Wearing School Board Member, Threatens to Sue
(Courtesy of Lindsey Graham)
Michael Wing

Last December, Arizona mom Lindsey Graham went viral for crashing a school board meeting dressed in a cat costume—complete with ears, whiskers, and tail.

Donning leopard spots, Graham approached the mic and expressed outrage over a male school board member’s being allowed to dress as a woman while still keeping his position.

She accused board members of failing their “one job” by “forcing [children] to participate in their lie” in denial of not just truth, but basic biology.

“No tail, whiskers, or outfit makes me a cat,” she said, nor does any “lipstick, high heels, or long hair” make the man in question, Paul Bixler, 72, a woman.

The board in question is Liberty Elementary District, located in Buckeye. The Epoch Times reached out to the school district for comment yet they did not respond in time for publishing.

(Left) Lindsey Graham's three kids, aged 8, 6, and 2-and-a-half; (Right) Lindsey Graham (Courtesy of <a href="https://www.instagram.com/the.patriot.barbie/">Lindsey Graham</a>); (Inset) Liberty Elementary School District, located in Buckeye, Arizona. (Screenshot/<a href="https://www.google.com/maps/@33.3810606,-112.4861592,3a,53.7y,214.06h,87.65t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0g-OV-q8mVafti44ZHQaww!2e0!7i16384!8i8192">Google Maps</a>)
(Left) Lindsey Graham's three kids, aged 8, 6, and 2-and-a-half; (Right) Lindsey Graham (Courtesy of Lindsey Graham); (Inset) Liberty Elementary School District, located in Buckeye, Arizona. (Screenshot/Google Maps)

“My opinion, very strongly, is that boys and girls cannot interchange their gender,” she told The Epoch Times. “If an adult is cross-dressing, they are teaching children that gender can be defined redefined and biology is not a solid truth.”

After footage of Graham’s dramatic confrontation went viral, she confirmed with us that three of the board members have since called for Bixler’s resignation.

One even thanked her right after her presentation.

It’s not just a matter of miseducation, Graham said, but also of children’s safety.

“[Bixler] wears lipstick, permed his white thinning hair, and wears his deceased wife’s clothing,” Graham said. “He regularly interacts with the children and has insisted that he be addressed as Miss Bixler.

“He has even used the women’s restroom at an event and startled a female rightfully using her restroom,” Graham said. “Imagine if there had been a young girl there alone when he decided to enter.”

Two of Graham’s own three children now attend private school, as she no longer trusts the public school system.

To genuinely believe Graham’s cat identity would signal a mental disorder, she said, as would the belief that gender is “fluid.”

“Medically, gender dysphoria is a mental disorder,” Graham said. “We should be treating these people instead of allowing them to remain in positions of decision and influence, especially around children.

“Someone with a mental disorder should not be making educational decisions for elementary school children.”

Lindsey Graham and her three children. (Courtesy of <a href="https://www.instagram.com/the.patriot.barbie/">Lindsey Graham</a>)
Lindsey Graham and her three children. (Courtesy of Lindsey Graham)

Graham’s catcalling ambush was executed “on an impulse” using her Halloween costume, she said, adding that the stunt’s “idiocracy” showcases what Bixler pulls off every day.

Host of the podcast @the.patriot.barbie, Graham told the world on Jan. 16 that Bixler cannot be voted out of his position; parents must demand he step down, she said, pointing to his picture. Lawsuits will follow if he does not.
This isn’t the first time Graham has pushed back. In 2020, in Salem, Oregon, she reopened her salon despite Governor Kate Brown’s executive order requiring businesses to stay closed during the pandemic.

“The government threatened and attacked me endlessly, even sending Child Protective Services to my home,” she told the newspaper. “Antifa, the media, and BLM were all threatening me, tracking me, and harassing my family.

“We lost 6 businesses to cancel culture, sold our newly-built home, and quite literally ran for our lives to Arizona for safety.”

She was then called into action to protest a cross-dressing school board member in the Grand Canyon State.

“Wokeness has completely overtaken the school system,” she said, calling the compulsion to adhere to “anyone’s whims” and ideology “appalling.”

“It redraws the lines of truth and fiction to the point where now there is none,” she said. “Parents need to take a firm stand” in the face of threats—or even violence.

“This is the last straw and this should be our last stand,“ she added. ”Our children are the hill to die on.”

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